Our Mix English Grammar Notes are your ultimate guide to mastering English grammar with ease. Tailored specifically for Kannada-speaking learners.
These notes provide clear explanations of grammar rules, helping you bridge the gap between Kannada and English.
Whether you’re studying for competitive exams or aiming to enhance your grammar skills, these notes are designed to make learning smooth and accessible.
Perfect for students at all levels, our Mix English Grammar Notes cover essential topics that frequently appear in competitive exams.
Simplify your exam preparation and build a strong foundation in English grammar by learning through Kannada.
Start improving your grammar skills today and excel in your exams!
4. If Clauses | Conditional Sentences
5. Active voice and Passive voice
6. Phonetics
7. Types of sentences (Assertive, interrogative etc)
8. Punctuation marks with examples
11. Use same word as noun and verb part 3
12. Common grammar mistakes in English
16. Activity work sheets for high school students
18. Important grammar for SSLC exam
22. Edit a paragraph using clues
23. If Clause – The third conditional
26. Framing Interrogative Sentence part 2
27. Framing Negative Sentence part 1
28. Framing Negative Sentence part 2
31. Infinitives in English grammar
33. Question tag worksheet and exercise
35. Either … or and Neither … nor examples
37. Differences between Look, See and Watch
39. Develop the story using the clues for class 10
41. List of important opposite words and meaning
42. Question tag rules and examples
43. If Clause rules and examples
44. Infinitives in English Grammar with examples
45. Language Functions and examples
46. Modal verbs in English grammar
47. Auxiliary verbs in English grammar
48. Parts of Speech definition and examples
49. Prepositions and examples in English grammar
50. Linking Words examples in English grammar
Competitive English grammar
51. Articles in English grammar
52. Framing Wh Question examples with answers
55. Prefixes in English grammar with examples
58. One word substitution for class 10
59. Collocation in English grammar
61. There’s a Girl by the Tracks picture description
62. Framing Wh questions exercises with answers
63. Language Functions in English Grammar
64. Editing paragraph (Collected from 2015 to 2025 question papers)
English Grammar notes
1. English Grammar notes PART 1
2. English Grammar notes PART 2
3. English Grammar notes PART 3
4. English Grammar notes PART 4
5. English Grammar notes PART 5
6. English Grammar notes PART 6
7. English Grammar notes PART 7
8. English Grammar notes PART 8
9. English Grammar notes PART 9
10. English Grammar notes PART 10
1) Do as directed questions for SSLC exam part 1
2) Do as directed questions for SSLC exam part 2
3) Do as directed questions for SSLC exam part 3
4) Do as directed questions for SSLC PART 4
- Official Letter Writing Part 1
- Office Letter Writing Part 2