English Grammar notes PART 10. English grammar for CET exam. Passage reading for high school students and all competitive exam.
In this post we are going to learn competitive English grammar in Kannada. Short essay on Save forest save life. This English grammar is also for class 10. Official letter writing also given as an example.
Learn English grammar through Kannada. SSLC English grammar. You can also download 10th standard English grammar.
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English grammar for competitive exam
I. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: 1×4=4
Golu and Molu were two friends. They lived in Rajnagar Colony. Golu worked hard and did his work in time. Molu loved to play and watch TV. He never came back in time in the evenings and copied all his homework from Golu. He was not sincere in his work so he never got good marks. Golu was loved by his neighbours and teachers because he was sincere. Molu had one good habit. He helped others and he shared his snacks with his friends. Golu asked him to work in time so that he can be a better boy. Molu tried and he too was loved by all.
a) Why did Molu copy homework from Golu?
Molu always spends his time in playing and watching TV. He never came back in time in the evenings and copied all his homework from Golu. Molu was not sincere in his work so he never got good marks.
b) How did Molu become a better boy?
Molu had one good habit. He helped others and he shared his snacks with his friends. Golu asked him to work in time so that he can be a better boy. Molu tried and he too was loved by all.
Essay on Save forest save life
II. Write an essay on any one of the following: 1×4=4
a) Save forests, save life
b) Cleanliness and Hygiene
c) National Integration
Answer: a) Save forests, save life
Trees are very precious. Without trees, life on Earth is impossible; but people do not seem to understand its value. We have to save forests to continue the survival of human race.
The Importance of Saving forests:
Trees should be saved as they provide us with food to live. Forests are the sinks of Carbon Dioxide – a greenhouse gas and the producers of Oxygen without which life on earth can’t sustain. Trees give us shelter. Most of our home decor and furniture are made of tree barks. Trees are also a source of fuel and give us medicine. Trees give us rubber, clothes, and many more which the humans are dependent on.
We can survive on earth only due to the presence of oxygen, water, as well as trees. They are one of the critical sources of water and oxygen on the planet. It is our responsibility to save tree, or otherwise, we have to get ready to face the consequences.
Official letter writing
III. Write a letter using the information given below: 1×5=5
Imagine that you are Rajini / Raja studying in Government High School, Vijayapura.
Write a letter to your mother about your progress in studies.
Write a letter to your headmaster requesting him to issue your transfer certificate and marks card.
Government High School
Date: 01.11.2023
The Headmaster
Government High School
Respected sir,
Subject: Request for Transfer Certificate and Marks Card
With reference to the subject I am Raja. I completed SSLC during 2022-23. My register number is 20230315026. I am writing to request my Transfer Certificate and Marks Card as I am relocating to a new college.
Kindly issue TC and marks card as soon as possible. It helps me to get admission in new college.
Thanking you,
Your sincerely,
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