The Noble Bishop question and answer

The Noble Bishop question and answer

The Noble Bishop question and answer for 9th standard students. We have given important notes of the lesson The Noble Bishop.

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Notes of the lesson The Noble Bishop

C1. Work in pairs and answer the following questions in a sentence or two each:

1. Who was Jean Valjean?

Ans: Jean Valjean was a convict.

2. Who brought the silver candlesticks from the mantel?

Ans: Baptistine brought the silver candlesticks from the mantle.

3. What did the stranger steal from the Bishop’s place?

Ans: The stranger stole silverware from the Bishop place.

4. Why was Jean Valjean surprised at the Bishop’s behaviour the next morning?

Ans: Bishop addressed Jean Valjean as his friend and happy to see him so he was surprised.

5. Why was Jean Valjean finally set free?

Ans: Bishop told that he had given silverware to Jean Valjean. So he was set free.

6. What did Jean Valjean promise the Bishop?

Ans: Jean Valjean promised the Bishop that he would become a honest man.

C2 Questions from The noble bishop:

C2. Discuss in groups and write answers for the following questions:

1. What do you think were Jean Valjean’s feelings when he was called ‘friend’?

Ans: Jean Valjean thought that Bishop must be a great soul and thanked him.

2. Why did Jean Valjean say that he was a beast?

Ans: Jean Valjean was imprisoned and tortured badly. And he lost the human qualities. So he said that he was a beast.

3. What kind of a person was the Bishop?

Ans: Bishop was a kind hearted and sympathetic human being.

4. Why did Jean Valjean hesitate to steal the silverware at first?

Ans: Because Jean Valjean feared that Bishop may be awaken.

5. Was there any change in Jean Valjean’s attitude when he left the Bishop? What was the change?

Ans: Yes, there was a lot of change in Jean Valjean attitude. He led the life of an honest man, and worked for oppressed and downtrodden people.

Notes of the Noble Bishop

C3. Discuss the following questions in small groups and present your answers to the class. Write a short paragraph on each question:

1. Describe the sufferings of Jean Valjean.

Ans: Jean Valjean was convicted for nineteen years for stealing some bread. He was tortured and treated like an animal. His name and soul were taken away and given a devil in its place.

2. Explain how the Bishop reacted when Jean Valjean was brought before him by the police.

Ans: Bishop was very happy to see Jean Valjean and called him as friend. He did not tell that Jean had stolen the silverware. He asked him why he had not taken candlesticks along with the silverware.

C4. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Write ‘T’ or ‘F’ in the following accordingly:

1. Jean Valjean was in the galleys only for a few years. [ F ]

2. All the people were kind to Jean Valjean. [ F ]

3. The Bishop woke up in the middle of the night. [ F ]

4. Baptistine said that the silver was stolen. [ T ]

5. The silverware belonged to Jean Valjean. [ F ]

V1. Infer the meaning of the underlined words from the context. You can choose the right word from those given in brackets:

1. Jean Valjean pleaded with the police and said that he was not guilty. (requested, fought, argued)

2. He fed on filth for nineteen years. (bread, dirty food, fish)

3. The Bishop slept tranquilly. (fast, quickly, peacefully)

4. He stood terrified at this radiant figure. (frightening, shining, dim)

5. The moral world has no greater spectacle than this. (scenery, glasses, sight)

V 2. Task 1

Match the following words with their homophones:

bread – knight

through – seen

right – bred

night – write

scene – threw


Bread – bred

Through – threw

Right – write

Night – knight

Scene – seen

V 2. Task 2 The Noble Bishop question and answer

Task 2: Find the homophones for the following words.

wait – ……………………………..

cell – ……………………………….

waist – ……………………………..

fare – ……………………………….

pray – ……………………………..


wait – weight

cell – sell

waist – waste

fare – fair

pray – prey

Watch this video for explanation of important questions and answers from the lesson The Noble Bishop for 9th standard.

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