9th class all subject SA 1 Question paper with key answer 2024-25

9th class all subject SA 1 Question paper with key answer 2024-25. 9th standard mid term question papers with key answers 2024-25.

In this post we are going to provide 9th standard SA 1 question papers with key answers of all subject. 9th class SA 1 question papers of Karnataka state syllabus.

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9th class all subject SA 1 Question paper with key answer 2024-25

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1. 9th class question papers with key answers (FA, SA, Bridge course, Unit test)

2. 9th class important notes

3. English Grammar Notes

4. 8th class question papers with key answers (FA, SA, Bridge course, Unit test)

Watch this video for the explanation of 9th class all subject SA 1 Question paper with key answer 2024-25.

9th class english SA 1 question paper and answers

Summative Assessment 1

Subject: English (31-E)                                                   Marks: 80

Class: 9th standard                                                                     Timing: 3 hours

I. Multiple Choice Questions:   4 x 1 = 4

1. Choose the appropriate question tag and fill in the blank:

    She hasn’t finished her homework, __________?

    (A) hasn’t she                          (B) is she

    (C) has she                               (D) isn’t she

2. Read the following and choose the infinitive:

    Ravi planned to travel during the summer holidays. He saved money every month.

    (A) planned                       (B) travel

    (C) book                            (D) to travel

3. Read the following conversation and fill in the blank choosing the most appropriate words:

    Rahul: Did you submit your assignment on time?

    Priya: Oh no, I missed the deadline!

    Rahul: Don’t worry, maybe they’ll accept it late.

    Priya: If I had finished it earlier, I __________ submitted it yesterday.

    (A) would have                        (B) must have

    (C) wouldn’t have                   (D) will have

4. Read the following conversation and identify the language function for the underlined sentence:     

    Ravi: I’m sorry, but I can’t join you for lunch today.

    Meena: That’s okay, maybe next time.

    Ravi: I’ll let you know when I’m free.

    (A) Refusing                         (B) Suggesting

    (C) Apologizing                   (D) Requesting

II. Do as Directed:   12 x 1 = 12

5. Which one of the following words has three syllables?

    Manage, table, December, chair

6. Combine the word in Column-A with its collocative word in Column-B:

         A                                                  B

    Running                   [ water, paper, school, man ]

7. Fill in the blank using the correct article:

    He is __________ university student.

8. Fill in the blank using a suitable linker:

    She was tired __________ she kept working until the project was complete.

9. Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

    We should arrive __________ the meeting by 9 AM.

9th class English SA 1 Question paper

10. Fill in the blank with the appropriate tense form of the verb given in brackets:

     They __________ (wait) for hours when the bus finally arrived.

11. Identify the part of speech of the underlined word:

      She quickly finished her work and left.

12. Write the correct form of the word given in brackets:

      His __________ (intelligent) was evident during the discussion.

13. Use the word ‘book’ as a verb in a sentence.

14. Change into the superlative degree:

      This problem is more difficult than any other in the test.

15. Change into passive voice:

      The chef prepared a delicious meal.

16. Read the following conversation and change the underlined sentence into reported speech:

      Ravi: I need help with my homework.

      Sita: I’ll help you with it in the evening.

      Ravi said that __________.

III. The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite it: 1 x 2 = 2

17. The team have been working hard on their project, but their progress has been slow due to the many issue they faced during the process.


    a) Subject-verb agreement mistake to be corrected.

    b) Plural form mistake to be corrected.

IV. Answer the following questions in 2 – 3 sentences each : 7 × 2 = 14

18. Why did the invisible being laugh at Arjuna?

19. Why did the bearded man swear revenge on the king?

20. What were the games offered at the local school where Kapil was studying?

21. What are the innovative ways of public notices in the hotels?

22. “English is a game to play”. How does the poet justify it?

23. What was the impact of Aruna’s public address during the Salt Satyagraha?


       What was Aruna’s advice to the freedom fighters?

Mid term question papers with key answers

24. What did the simple woman say to the king after she peered into his face?


      Why did the soldiers and courtiers, messengers and heralds have to travel far and wide?

V. Answer the following questions in 5 – 6 sentences each :   2 × 3 = 6

25. Why was dancing girl driven out from the town?

26. What qualities of Betty Cuthbert are highlighted in the poem ‘A Girl Called Golden’?

VI.  Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow :  4 × 3 = 12

27. “Come and stand up to me and I will kill you.”

     a) Who said this?

     b) Who was it asked to?

     c) Why did he say so?

28. “I have come to you, to ask you to answer three questions.”

     a) Who said this?

     b) Who does ‘you’ refer to?

     c) Did he answer immediately? Why?

29. “Forgive me, young ascetic, graciously come to my house.”

     a) Whom does ‘me’ refer?

     b) Who was it said to?

     c) Why did she ask him to forgive her?

30. “You could have thought of lending a helping hand to them.”

     a) Who said this?

     b) To whom it was said?

     c) Who does ‘them’ refer?

VII.  Given below is a profile. Write a paragraph using the clues given below :   1 × 3 = 3

31. Name                                 :         Mr. Anand Prakash

      Place and date of birth      :         Bangalore, 10th September, 1982

      Qualification                     :         B.A., M.A. in History

      Profession                          :         History Lecturer

      Family                                :         Wife and a son

      Hobbies                              :         Reading historical novels and hiking

      Reasons for popularity     :         Conducts tours and interactive learning sessions for students.

Class 9th self assessment 1 model paper

VIII. Develop the story using the clues given below :  1 × 3 = 3

32. A busy train station — two passengers argued over a bag — both claimed it as theirs — neither backed down — a guard intervened — asked them to describe the contents — one was unsure, while the other gave precise details — the guard opened the bag, matching the description — the rightful owner was revealed and received the bag.

IX. Study the picture given below :    1 × 3 = 3

33. Write a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you in a paragraph.

Write a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you in a paragraph.

X.  Quote from memory :   1 × 4 = 4

34. I am grateful for the lips …………..



      ……………..…… who need me so.

XI. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow :  1 × 4 = 4 ( 2 × 2 )

35. Anita enjoys gardening in her backyard. She spends her weekends planting flowers and vegetables. She takes great care of her plants, watering them regularly and ensuring they get enough sunlight. Anita finds gardening relaxing and loves seeing her plants grow and flourish over time.


    a) What activities does Anita do in her backyard?

    b) How does Anita ensure her plants receive enough care?

XII. Answer the following question in about 8 – 10 sentences :   1 × 4 = 4

36. How is the spring season described in the poem ‘Upagupta’ ?


      How did Betty’s dedication lead to her winning three gold medals at the Olympics?

XIII. Write an essay on any one of the following :  1 × 4 = 4

37. a) Water pollution

      b) Internet and its uses

      c) Global warming

9th class English SA 1 key answers

XIV. Write a letter using the information given below :   1 × 5 = 5

38. Imagine you are Pankaj / Neeta studying at Government High School, Aland.

     Write a letter to your parents about a recent school trip and what you learned from it.


      Write a letter to your school head master requesting a new science lab.

9th class Summative assessment 1 answers


1. (C) has she

2. (D) to travel

3. (A) would have

4. (C) Apologizing


5. December

6. Running – water

7. a

8. but

9. at

10. had been waiting

11. Adverb

12. intelligence

13. I will book a table for dinner tonight.

14. This is the most difficult problem in the test.

15. A delicious meal was prepared by the chef.

16. Ravi said that he needed help with his homework.

III. 17.

a) “have” changed to “has” (subject-verb agreement).

b) “issue” changed to “issues” (plural form).


18. Arjuna got very angry and tried to shoot arrows at the invisible being. Since the arrows couldn’t hurt it, the invisible being laughed at him.

19. The king had killed his brother and had seized his property. So the bearded man swore revenge on the king.

20. Basketball, football, table tennis, hockey, and cricket were the games offered at the local school where Kapil was studying.

21. “Please, make room for waiting for customers” and “Kindly make room for waiting friends” are the innovative examples of notices in the hotels.

22. We can share our thoughts using words. Nice and beautiful words help us express what we think. That’s why the poet says English is like a fun game we can use to share our ideas easily.

23. During Salt Satyagraha, Aruna Asaf Ali addressed public meetings and led processions. She was prosecuted in Delhi and on refusal to furnish security for good behaviour, was sentenced to one-year imprisonment.


Aruna advised freedom fighters not to allow any academic arguments like violence and non-violence to divert attention from the stern realities of the day. She further advised that every student and youth should think and feel as soldiers of the nation that was to come.

9th standard SA 1 question papers with key answers of all subject

24. The simple old woman peered into the King’s face for a long time. Then she said. to the king that he was suffering from a strange and rare disease. So rare and strange that no name was there for it.


The soldiers and courtiers, messengers and heralds had to travel far and wide to bring the king back the shirt of a happy man.


25. The dancing girl was driven out of the town because she had smallpox, a serious and contagious disease. Smallpox was a deadly epidemic that could spread quickly and harm others. To prevent the disease from spreading, the townspeople decided to send her away. This was done to protect the health of the rest of the town’s people.

26. In the poem, ‘A Girl Called Golden’, David Bateson highlights Elizabeth Cuthbert’s courage, determination, passion, and perseverance. These qualities are celebrated as key factors contributing to her extraordinary achievements in sprinting and her success at the Olympics.

VI.  27.

a) Arjuna said this.

b) It was asked to Yaksha.

c) Because he wanted to avenge the death of his brothers.


a) The king said this.

b) ‘you’ refers to the hermit.

c) No, he did not answer immediately. Because he did not speak to the king in the beginning.


a) ‘Me’ refers to Vasavadatta.

b) It was said to Upagupta.

c) Because she stumbles over his body in the dark night.


a) One of the trainees said it.

b) It was said to the author. c

) Them refers to the two fellows who came down in the lift filled with packets.

9th SA 1 Question paper with key answer 2024-25

VII. 31

Mr. Anand Prakash was born in Bangalore on 10th September, 1982. He holds a B.A. and M.A. in History and works as a History Lecturer. He is married and has a son. In his free time, he enjoys reading historical novels and hiking. Mr. Prakash is well-known for organizing history tours and interactive learning sessions, which have made him popular among students and peers alike.

VIII. 32.

At a busy train station, two men argued over a small brown bag, each claiming it was theirs. A guard stepped in to settle the dispute. He asked both men to describe what was inside the bag. The first man was unsure, giving a vague answer, while the second man confidently listed everything, including a blue notebook and a silver watch. The guard opened the bag and found exactly what the second man had described. The rightful owner was clear, and the bag was returned to him, ending the argument.

IX. 33.

In a bright classroom, a teacher stands in front of a group of attentive students, explaining the basics of computers. The students watch the screen as the teacher demonstrates how to use different programs, guiding them step by step. The atmosphere is focused but interactive, with students asking questions and the teacher patiently answering, ensuring everyone understands.

X. 34

I am grateful for the lips that might speak

Words of comfort and peace to all who seek.

I am grateful for a mind that I might know

How to aid those who need me so.

XI. 35

a) Anita plants flowers and vegetables in her backyard.b) Anita waters her plants regularly and ensures they get enough sunlight.

9th class all subject SA 1 Question paper with key answer

XII. 36.

The branches of the wayside trees are described as being full of blossoms, indicating that the trees are in full bloom and displaying vibrant flowers, which is a common feature of spring. The poem also depicts the spring season as a time when happy songs from a flute can be heard floating in the warm air, suggesting a cheerful and pleasant atmosphere associated with the season.


Betty’s dedication and perseverance were crucial to her success. While her companions played, she focused on intense training and worked out alone, even during challenging times. Her strong will and commitment set her apart from others and led to her winning three gold medals. Her Coach admired her for standing out due to her hard work, which was key to her Olympic achievements.

XIII. 37.

b) Internet and its uses


The Internet has changed how we live, work, and communicate. It connects billions of devices worldwide, letting us instantly access information.

Uses of internet:

1. Information Access: Find information easily online.

2. Communication: Connect with others via email and social media.

3. Online Shopping: Buy products and services online.

4. Entertainment: Stream movies, music, and games.

5. Education: Take online courses and learn new skills.


The Internet enhances our lives by providing quick access to information, enabling easy communication, simplifying shopping, offering entertainment, and facilitating learning.

9th class English SA 1

XIV. 38.



Government High School


Date: 15.09.2024


The Headmaster

Government High School


Respected Sir,

Subject: Request for a New Science Lab.

I hope you are well. I am writing to ask if we could have a new science lab at Government High School. Our current lab is too small and does not have enough equipment for us to learn properly.

A new lab with better facilities would help us and future students a lot. We would really appreciate it if you could consider this request and take action.

Yours sincerely,


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