Three Questions extract questions and answers

Three Questions extract questions and answers. In this post we will discuss notes of the lesson Three Questions. This lesson is for class 7 and 9. We have provided questions and answers from the prose Three Questions.

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Three Questions extract questions and answers

Extract questions and answer from Three Questions

Read each of the following extracts and answer the questions given below:

1. “I have come to you, wise hermit, to ask you to answer three questions.”

a. Who said this?

Ans: The King said this.

b. What was the Hermit doing at this time?

Ans: Hermit was digging the ground in front of his hut.

c. Did he answer immediately?

Ans: No, the Hermit did not answer to king’s questions immediately.

2. “Let me take the spade and work in you place.”

a. Who said this?

Ans: The King said this.

b. To whom it was said?

Ans: It was said to the Hermit.

c. How did he react to this?

Ans: Hermit said thanks and gave his spade to the king.

3. “Lay down on the floor.”

a. Who lay down on the floor?

Ans: The King lay down on the floor.

b. What do you mean by ‘floor’ in this context?

Ans: Floor means ground.

c. Why did he lie down on the floor?

Ans: He was tired by his walk and the work he had done.

4. “You don’t know me, but I know you.”

a. Whom does ‘Me’ refer to?

Ans: ‘Me’ refers to the bearded man.

b. Who was the bearded man?

Ans: The bearded was the enemy of the king.

c. How was he wounded?

Ans: He came to kill the king on his way but he came upon king’s bodyguard, who recognized him and wounded him.

Questions and answers from the prose Three Questions

5. “I will serve you as your most faithful servant.”

a. Whom does ‘You’ refer to?

Ans: ‘You’ refers to the king.

b. Who does ‘I’ refer to?

Ans: ‘I’ refer to the bearded man.

c. Why did he say this?

Ans: Though he was the enemy of the king, he dressed his wounds and saved his life. That’s why he wished to serve the king.

6. “You have already been answered.”

a. Who said this?

Ans: Hermit said this.

b. To whom was it said?

Ans: It was said to the king.

c. When did he say?

Ans: He said this to the king when the king asked him to answer his questions for the last time.

7. If you can give no answer, tell me so and I will return home.”

a. Who is ‘me’ referred to?

Ans: The King

b. Why did he want answer?

Ans: Because the king thought that he would never fail if he knew three things.

c. Where was the speaker?

Ans: The speaker was at the Hermit’s hut.

8. “Here comes someone running.”

a. Who is the speaker?

Ans: Hermit is the speaker.

b. Who is ‘someone’ referred here?

Ans: Someone referred to bearded man.

c. Why is he running?

Ans: Because he was wounded by the bodyguard.

Three Questions notes for class 9

9. “How have I been answered? What do you mean?”

a. Who asked so?

Ans: The king

b. Who is ‘you’ referred here?

Ans: Hermit

c. Why did the speaker ask so?

Ans: Because when the king asked the questions the Hermit told that you have been answered.

10. “For the last time I beg you to answer my questions.”

a. Who is the speaker of the above statement?

Ans: The king

b. Whom did the speaker beg to answer?

Ans: Hermit

c. Why did the speaker beg for last time?

Ans: Because the speaker already asked the questions for two times.

Watch this video for the explanation of Three Questions extract questions and answers.

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