There’s a Girl by the Tracks 3 marks questions and answers for class 10. Notes for the lesson There’s a Girl by the Tracks for SSLC exam preparation.
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Question and answer from There’s a Girl by the Tracks. Questions and answers from There’s a Girl by the Tracks lesson for 10th class.
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Notes for the lesson There’s a Girl by the Tracks for SSLC exam preparation
1. What qualities do you appreciate in Baleshwar?
Answer: Baleshwar was kind, considerate, and had helping nature. He was really nice and caring. He didn’t know the girl, but he still jumped from the train to save her. It showed he was brave and cared about people he didn’t even know.
2. “Baleshwar had a good memory”. Justify this statement.
Answer: Roma told Baleshwar her brother’s name and number, but he couldn’t write it down. However, he remembered it and borrowed the truck driver’s phone to call Dinesh. Even without writing it down, Baleshwar was able to recall and use the information to make the call.
3. How did the truck driver help Baleshwar?
Answer: The generous tempo-truck driver stepped up to aid Baleshwar without hesitation. Together, they carefully lifted Roma onto the back of the truck. With compassion driving them forward, the driver swiftly transported them to the hospital. Their collaborative effort exemplified the strength of human kindness in times of need.
4. What happened to Baleshwar as he jumped off the still-moving train?
Answer: When Baleshwar jumped off the moving train, he hurt his ankle. His slipper even tore a bit, showing how hard he fell. But he didn’t let the pain stop him; he kept going to find the girl who had fallen. Despite the pain, he continued searching for the fallen girl. His determination outweighed the discomfort he felt. Baleshwar’s bravery shone through his selfless actions.
There’s a girl by the tracks notes
5. Why did Baleshwar want to thank the truck driver?
Answer: As Baleshwar stood on the road holding the bleeding girl in his arms, no one helped him take her to the hospital. Just when he had begun to lose hope, a tempo-truck pulled over and, its driver, a middle-aged man who spoke Gujarati, stepped out and helped Baleshwar take her to the hospital. But before Baleshwar could thank him for the noble deed, the man had disappeared, having done his duty.
6. How / Why had Roma fallen by the tracks?
Answer: Roma managed to squeeze herself into the crowded ladies compartment of a Mumbai local train and tried to settle into a corner near the door. Suddenly she got pushed, lost her foothold and was thrown out of the coach.
7. Who volunteered to help Baleshwar? How did he help him?
Answer: A tempo truck driver stopped when he saw Baleshwar standing by the road holding the injured girl in his arms. He helped Baleshwar to lay the girl down in the back of his truck and drove them to a small hospital, but it lacked facilities. So he drove them to a bigger hospital where she could be treated well.
8. How did the doctors at Divine Multi-Specialty Hospital treat Roma?
Answer: The Medical Director of the hospital saw the extent of Roma’s injuries and immediately admitted her to the ICU without any paperwork. X-rays were taken and the doctors found that she needed surgery. She was taken care of very well and recovered soon.
Question and answer from the lesson there’s a girl by the tracks!
9. Why did Baleshwar revisit the spot where Roma had fallen?
Answer: Roma’s brother, Dinesh, had told him that her cell phone and handbag were missing. So Baleshwar revisited the spot where Roma had fallen. With the help of a railway employee, he was able to recover some of the belongings.
10. After Roma’s recovery, what did she say about Baleshwar?
Answer: Roma was amazed to hear about the manner in which she had been rescued. She wondered how a stranger could jump off a train and risk his life for her. Roma could not imagine what would have happened to her if Baleshwar had not been there. She felt that she could never repay him for what he had done.
11. Explain how Roma Talreja met with an accident?
Answer: Roma was returning home. She boarded the train at the Mumbai suburban Railway station and managed to squeeze herself into a ladies’ compartment. She tried to settle into a corner near the door. The train hurtled ahead and Roma was jammed between other women. She got pushed and lost her tenuous foothold and panicked. Roma was thrown out of the coach. She fell on the tracks, bleeding all alone.
12. Describe briefly how a stranger Baleshwar risked his life for Roma Talreja?
Answer: Baleshwar saw Roma hurt and alone on the train tracks, but no one else would help. He jumped off the moving train to save her. Carrying her in his arms, he found help from a truck driver and they took her to the hospital. Roma got the medical attention.
Notes for the lesson There’s a Girl by the Tracks
13. Why were the people of Mumbai afraid to help Roma?
Answer: Baleshwar believed that the people of Mumbai were scared to help Roma because they were afraid of facing legal problems. They worried about getting caught up in court cases or having issues with the police if they interfered. This fear made them hesitant to lend a hand to someone in need.
14. What would have happened if Baleshwar had not been there for rescuing Roma?
Answer: If Baleshwar hadn’t been there to rescue Roma, her condition could have worsened. With a serious head injury and unconsciousness, she needed immediate help. Without Baleshwar’s intervention, Roma might have faced more severe health complications or even risked her life. Thankfully, his timely assistance made a critical difference in her outcome.
15. What do you learn from Baleshwar?
Answer: From Baleshwar’s actions, we learn the importance of selflessness and compassion. He didn’t hesitate to help Roma, despite potential risks or complications. Baleshwar’s bravery teaches us that lending a hand to someone in need can make a significant difference, even if it involves personal sacrifice. His example reminds us to prioritize kindness and empathy above our own concerns.
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There’s a Girl by the Tracks 3 marks questions and answers.