Edit a paragraph using clues

Edit a paragraph using clues

Edit a paragraph using clues for high school students. The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite it in the answer book.

In this post we will learn editing paragraph using clues. Editing error is very important topic in English grammar.

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The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite it in the answer book: 2×1=2

1. Naresh can swim, paint but tell stories. He can also play cricket with his school mates. What does Nidhi do. Do you know the hobbies of her?

a) Conjunction to be corrected.

Ans: and – but

b) Punctuation to be corrected.

Ans: What does Nidhi do. – What does Nidhi do?

2. Mary Carolyn Davies was born and educate in California. In 1918 she published “The Drums in Our Street”, a book of war poems, and in 1919 brought out a collection of his poems under the title, “Youth Riding.”

a) Verbal mistake to be corrected.

Ans: educate – educated

b) pronoun to be corrected.

Ans: his – her

3. People are foolish in use plastic extensively. Some people think that the argument against a use of plastic is meaningless. Only when people come to know about its threats, it will be a remarkable achievement.

a) Preposition to be corrected.

Ans: in – to

b) Article to be corrected.

Ans: a- the

4. amar is my friend. We walk together to school. We pass by a pond on our way. One evening when we was returning home from school, we saw a baby drowning in the pond. Suddenly Amar jumped into the water and saved the baby.

a) Capital letter to be used.

Ans: amar – Amar

b) Verb mistake to be corrected.

Ans: was – were

5. Anju had enjoyed having a room of her own in the past. She hadn’t shared her room with anyone else. But now her grandparent were expected to come from their village to stay with Anju and her parents?

a) Plural to be added.

Ans: grandparent – grandparents

b) Punctuation to be corrected.

Ans: Use full stop.

6. Here is the story of a rich businessman Mr. Balaji and his sons gagan and Rahul. Gagan always helped his father and was a very responsible boy. But Rahul was very irresponsible, always enjoying his time upon his friends.

a) Capital letter to be corrected.

Ans: gagan – Gagan

b) Preposition to be corrected.

Ans: upon – with

7. It is common for brothers but sisters to quarrel, although sometimes they may not even be able to say why they quarrelled. But how long do such quarrels last? How do they end.

a) Punctuation to be corrected.

Ans: How do they end. – How do they end?

b) Conjunction to be corrected.

Ans: brothers but sisters – brothers and sisters

8. I get up early on the morning. With my friend Mohan I go for a walk. We walk by the side of a river. It is very pleasant then. The air is cool and fresh. The birds chirp in the trees. Mohan house is very beautiful.

a) Preposition to be corrected.

Ans: early on the morning – early in the morning

b) Apostrophe to be corrected.

Ans: Mohan house is very beautiful. – Mohan’s house is very beautiful.

Watch this video for explanation of Edit a paragraph using clues for high school students. The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite it in the answer book.

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