Active voice and passive voice

Active voice and passive voice

Active voice and passive voice for all competitive exams. Learn English grammar for all CET exams. Play English quiz for competitive exams.

This is important English grammar topic. To get more vodeo notes subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Topic: English grammar

Sub-topic: Active voice and passive voice

Total questions: 20

Question type: Multiple choice

Result: Key answers

Useful: For all competitive exams

Cost: Free

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Learn English grammar through Kannada. Here we can learn through playing quiz. Use of grammar in English.

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We have posted 4 videos on this topic. These videos are prepared in 4 parts. Watch these all videos to learn English grammar.

Part 1 Video

Part 2

Part 3 Video

Part 4 Video

Learn English grammar through Kannada. In this post we have learnt English grammar. This topic is very useful for high school and college students.

Watch other grammar topics:

Parts of Speech

Articles and Usage

Figures of Speech

If Clauses | Conditional Sentences

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