Upagupta poem notes

Upagupta poem notes for class 9. Important questions and answers from the poem Upagupta for 9th standard. Here we are going to discuss Upagupta question and answer.

In this post we learn notes for the poem Upagupta. Additional question and answer from Upagupta. Upagupta poem extract question and answer.

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Upagupta poem notes

Upagupta poem questions and answers 9th class

Q.I Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.

Answer: They drove the dancing girl away from the town because she had smallpox all over her body.So, the dancing girl driven out of the town.

Answer: Upagupta meant to come to the dancing girl when she needed him the most. Upagupta went to her after they drove her away from the town.

Answer: Upagupta sat by side, took her head on his knees, and gave her water and applied Sandal balm on her body.

Answer: Upagupta was sleeping in the dust by the city wall of Mathura. That time the dancing girl stumbles over the body of Upagupta. So, she asks forgiveness from the Upagupta.

Q.II Answer the following questions in 5-6 sentences each.

Answer: Upagupta discovered a dancing girl lying beneath a tree, her body covered with sores from smallpox. He gently moistened her lips and applied sandal balm to her skin. This act demonstrated Upagupta’s kindness and compassion.

Answer: The poem describes the dancing girl adorned with jewels and wearing a light blue dress. Her face glows with the sound of her anklets, brimming with the excitement of youth.

Additional question and answer from Upagupta

Answer: The roadside tree’s branches were full of cheerful blossoms. Happy flute notes floated through the warm spring air. The music came from a distance, adding to the joyful atmosphere. It was a beautiful spring scene.

Answer: The black night suddenly lit up with a flash of lightning, revealing its frightening teeth. A storm growled from the corner of the sky. The combination of the lightning and the storm’s growl made the dancing girl tremble. She was afraid of some unknown danger waiting in the darkness.

Q.III Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.

a) Who is the speaker?

Answer: Vasavadatta the dancing girl of Muthura.

b) Whom was it requested?

Answer: Upagupta

c) Why was it said?

Answer: Because her feet were touching his breast.

a) Who said this?

Answer: Vasavadatta

b) Whom does ‘You’ refer?

Answer: To Upagupta

c) How did listener answered to this?

Answer: Upagupta said to Vasavadatta ‘Woman go on your way.’

a) Who said these words?

Answer: Upagupta

b) Whom was it said?

Answer: To the dancing girl.

c) When was it said?

Answer: When she invited him to her home.

a) Who is the speaker?

Answer: Upagupta

b) Whom was it said?

Answer: Vasavadatta.

c) When was it said? Answer: When he was invited by her.

Upagupta poem extract questions and answers

a) Who is the speaker?

Answer: Vasavadatta.

b) Whom was it said?

Answer: Upgupta

c) When was it said?

Answer: When he moistened her lips with water, and smeared her body with sandal balm.

a) Who said this?

Answer: Upagupta

b) Who do ‘You’ refer to?

Answer: ‘You’ refers to Vasavadatta.

c) Where was she at that time?

Answer: She was lying in the shadow of the Mango grove.

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