Unseen conversation reading for GPSTR exam

Unseen conversation reading for GPSTR exam

Unseen conversation reading for GPSTR exam. Reading comprehension for CTET and KARTET exam. Passage reading for all competitive exams.

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Unseen conversation reading:

Tricks to read unseen Conversations:

1. Read the given conversation carefully.

2. Find out how many speakers are there in the given dialogue.

3. Understand conversation and try to find out language function used.

4. Now read the given questions carefully.

5. Answers are given in hidden conversation. Just understand and write answers.

6. Write answers in your own sentences.

7. After writing the answers check if there are any grammatical mistakes.

1. Read the following conversations and answer the questions that follow:

Task – 1 : A man went to an astrologer.

Astrologer : Come my child, your name is Suraj Khanna.

Khanna : Yes, indeed!

Astrologer : You have two sons and two daughters.

Khanna : How true!

Astrologer : You bought four kilos of sugar and five kilos of rice yesterday, and there are five members of your household remaining after your parents passed away.

Khanna : I am impressed. But can you tell me about my future?

Astrologer : Okay then. Come back with your horoscope booklet tomorrow. And, here, take your ration card back.

Answer the questions below :

1. Mr. Khanna was surprised at the astrologer’s prediction. What made him feel so?

Ans: Astrologer told Khanna about how many kilo sugar and rice he brought yesterday. He also told about family members and parents correctly. So Mr. Khanna was surprised at the astrologer’s prediction.

2. Why wasn’t the astrologer able to predict Mr. Khanna’s future?

Ans: The astrologer unable to predict Mr. Khanna’s future. Because these details are not written on the ration card.

3. In the conversation given above, who do you think has better common sense?

Ans: Astrologer has better common sense in the conversation given above.

2. Read the following conversations and answer the questions that follow:

Task – 2 : A boy goes to a book shop to buy a book on folktales. The dialogue is given below)

Book Seller : Good afternoon, gentleman. What can I do for you?

Sharieff : Good afternoon, I’d like to buy some books on national leaders.

Book Seller : On national leaders? Sure, sir. If you don’t mind, please have a look at the fourth almirah on your right.

Sharieff : (after going through some titles) Could you take them out, please?

Book Seller : Of course (he takes them out and hands them over to Sharieff)

Sharieff : Thank you. Ah! I need these three books. Will you please gift-wrap them?

Book Seller : With pleasure. (he does so)

Sharieff : How much should I pay?

Book Seller : We allow a 10% rebate.

Sharieff : That’s very nice of you. So, I have to pay `240.

Book Seller : Yes. We also give you a diary as a free gift.

Answer the questions below :

1. Why did Sharieff pay only 240 rupees?

Ans: Because Book Seller gave 10% rebate on books. So he paid only 240 rupees.

2. Where did Sharieff found books in the shop?

Ans: Sharieff found books at the fourth almirah on his right side in the shop.

3. Choose the language function of the following line.

If you don’t mind, please have a look at the fourth almirah on your right.

a) offering help               b) showing direction             c) Expressing gratitude     d) inviting

Ans: b) showing direction

3. Read the following conversations and answer the questions that follow:

Task – 3 : Read this dialogue.

Lakshmi : Gowri, why didn’t you come to school yesterday?

Gowri : I had to attend to my brother Gopal, who is hospitalised.

Lakshmi : Really? What’s wrong with him?

Gowri : He met with an accident, last Saturday.

Lakshmi : My God! How did it happen? Is he seriously injured?

Gowri : He was walking along a narrow bridge without railings. He just slipped and fell into the river and his head hit a rock. He has multiple fractures. But we’re lucky that he is out of danger.

Lakshmi : That’s good. So he’ll be fit soon to attend school, I hope.

Gowri : No, no Lakshmi. He has lost his sense of hearing. I’m afraid he will be deaf. for the rest of his life; he’ll be a burden on others.

Answer the questions below:

1. Why did Gopal unable to attend school?

Ans: Gowri’s brother Gopal has lost his sense of hearing. So he would be deaf. That reason he was unable to attend school.

2. Why did Gowri not attend school yesterday?

Gowri’s brother slipped into the rover and his head hit a rock. So she had to attend to the hospital.

3. What do you mean by ‘fractures’ in this conversation?

Ans: Fracture is a break, usually in a bone.

Watch this video for explanation of Unseen conversation reading for GPSTR exam.

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