The Wonderful Words poem questions and answers for 9th standard students. Questiona and answers from the poem Wonderful words poem.
To get more video notes for 9th standard students visit our YouTube channel. In this channel we explained all prose, poem and supplementary lesson summary and questions.
I. Answer the following questions and discuss the responses with your partner.
1. What does the poet ask us not to let die?
Ans: The poet tells us that let our thoughts not die.
2. “English is a game to play.” How does the poet justify it?
Ans: We can express our thoughts with the help of words. Matching words to express our thought is like a game. So poet said that English is a game to play.
3. The poet speaks about matching words. What should we match the words with?
Ans: We should match the words with our brightest thoughts.
4. What has never been said yet, according to the poet?
Ans: According to the poet loveliest thing has never been said yet.
5. Read lines 11 and 12 in the poem: ‘Words are the food and dress of thought They give it its body and swing.’ What do you understand by these lines?
Ans: Words give the life to our thoughts. They give proper shape and movement to our thoughts which touch the heart of the people.
6. What does everyone try to hear and see afresh?
Ans: Everyone try to hear some fresh and beautiful things.
7. The poet mentions ‘prison’ in line 16. What according to her, is imprisoned?
Ans: According to the poet, our thoughts are imprisoned in our mind.
Notes of wonderful words
II. Read and appreciate.
1.Which lines in the poem strike you the most? For example, in line one the poet says ‘Never let a thought shrivel and die’. This is a thought – provoking line. Can you think of some other lines which are highly thought provoking? Discuss in a small group and share your responses.
Ans: I like the following lines:
“Words are the food and dress of thoughts
They give it its body and swing.”
This line is thought provoking one. These lines suggest that words give the life to our thoughts and move.
2. ‘Words alone are good’ says a great Indian poet. Can you relate the meaning of the statement with the theme of the poem you have studied? Share your ideas with your classmates.
Ans: Words alone are good. Words we speak bring out our thoughts. In this poem we can also see the same meaning and theme. Words can free our thoughts prisoned behind eyes and mind. Words are food and dress of our thoughts. They also give its body and swing. Only words can free our thoughts. So we can say that words alone are good.
3. Our philosophy advocates the oneness-unanimity of Kaya (work),Vaacha (speech) and Manasa (thoughts). How far does this poem support this philosophy?
Ans: Words bring out our thoughts. We can match words with our brightest thoughts. So that thoughts come out clearly and handsomely fed. Words are food and dress of thoughts. Words can free our thoughts from the prison of our mind. Like this there is oneness and unanimity of Kaya (work),Vaacha (speech) and Manasa (thoughts).
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