The Will of Sacrifice question and answer

The Will of Sacrifice question and answer

The Will of Sacrifice question and answer for 9th standard students. We explained notes of the lesson The Will of Sacrifice.

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Check your comprehension 1

1. Who actively participated in the freedom struggle from Bhagat Singh’s family?

Ans: Bhagat singh’s grandfather Arjan singh, his father Kishan singh and uncle Ajit singh were participated in the freedom struggle.

2. Name the political leaders who were in contact with Bhagat Singh when he was in DAV School in Lahore.

Ans: Lala Lajpat Rai and Ras Bihari Bose were in contact with Bhagat Singh when he was in DAV School in Lahore.

3. How did Bhagat Singh respond to Gandhiji’s call?

Ans: Bhagat singh left the D.A.V. school and joined National school at Lahore which was a center of revolutionary activities.

4. Where did Bhagat Singh come in contact with Bhagwati Charan and Sukhdev?

Ans: Bhagat singh came in contact with Bhagwati Charan and Sukhdev in National school at Lahore.

5. Why is Bhagat Singh remembered even today?

Ans: Because of great revolutionary activities and social thoughts Bhagat Singh is remembered even today.

6. Who did Bhagat Singh want to take revenge on? Why?

Ans: Bhagat Singh wanted to take revenge on Scott. Because he was responsible for the death of Lala Lajpat Rai.

7. According to Bhagat Singh, where does the value of man lie?

Ans: According to Bhagat Singh the value of a man lie not in what he is capable of receiving but in what he is capable of giving.

Check your comprehension 2

1. What was the only prayer of the people who were with Bhagat Singh?

Ans: The only prayer of the people was that somehow or other way they must escape the noose.

2. What do you mean by the phrase ‘transportation for life’?

Ans: It means that the act of sending criminals to place that is far away as a form of punishment.

3. What kind of punishment does Bhagat Singh talk about?

Ans: Bhagat Singh was talking about death punishment or of hanging.

4. What expectations did Bhagat Singh have from the people who escaped the gallows of death?

Ans: They should live and show to the world that they can not only embrace gallows for the ideal but also bear the worst type of torture in the dark prison cells.

Check your comprehension 3

1. What kind of life did Bhagat Singh desire to lead?

Ans: Bhagat Singh desired to lead natural life. He did not want live as a prisoner.

2. Bhagat Singh’s name has become a symbol of…….

a. elevation               b. relaxation             c. revolution             d. reorientation

Ans: c. revolution

3. Bhagat Singh was never afraid of meeting…….

a. friends       b. death         c. enemies        d. relatives

Ans: b. death

4. Bhagat Singh is a model of…….

a. social service b. political wisdom c. oration d. sacrifice

Ans: d. sacrifice

5. ‘If I live I might perhaps get a chance to fulfil them’.

a. What wishes did he want to fulfil?

Ans: He wanted to doing something for humanity and for his country.

b. Who is he telling this?

Ans: Bhagat Singh is telling this.

6. Why did Bhagat Singh feel proud of himself?

Ans: Bhagat Singh was ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of nation and he never afraid of death. He wished that his sacrifice would fulfil his ambitions and death was coming soon. So he felt proud of himself.

C1 Read the following questions, discuss and write :

1. How did Bhagat Singh participate in the freedom struggle?

Ans: In 1921 Gandhiji called for non-cooperation movement. Bhagat singh left his school and joined national school at Lahore which was the center of revolutionary activities. There he came in contact with revolutionaries such as Sukhdev and others. He became the member of Hindustan Republic Association and actively participated in the freedom struggle.

2. What made the revolutionaries use guns and bombs against the British?

Ans: They believed that the British rule was unjust and oppressive. And the revolutionaries were branded as terrorists. Therefore, they used bombs and guns against the British.

3. What are the means of production, according to Bhagat Singh?

Ans: According to Bhagat singh land, labour and capital are the means of production.

4. How was Bhagat Singh able to keep the spark of freedom struggle alive?

Ans: Bhagat Singh kept the spark of freedom alive through his letters written from the jail.

5. Why is Bhagat Singh remembered even today?

Ans: Bhagat Singh is remembered even today not only as a bold revolutionary figure but also as a great thinker.

C 2. Read the following questions, discuss and write :

1. What were the incidents that brought changes in Bhagat Singh’s life?

Ans: The British made a brutal attack on Lala Lajpat Rai. It resulted in death of Lajpat Rai. Bhagat Singh determined to avenge of his death. And he killed Saunders instead of Scott. He threw bombs in the central Assembly hall while the assembly was in session. These incidents changed the life of Bhagat Singh.

2. How would you have tried Bhagat Singh if you were the judge in the British Court?

Ans: I would have asked him the reason for his activities. And I would have ordered the British officials to change their policies towards Indians.

3. “The value of a man lies not in what he is capable of receiving, but in what he is capable of giving.” Discuss with your classmates.

Ans: The idea of Bhagat Singh is true. Though Bhagat Singh was awarded death sentence but he was not afraid of the death. He did not expect help from others. He kept the spark of freedom alive through his letters.

4. Write a letter to your friend about your patriotic feeling, after reading the letters of Bhagat Singh.


Arun Patil

GHS Gadikeshwar

Tq: Chincholi Dist: Kalaburagi

Date: 01.01.2022

Dear friend,

How are you Prakash? I am fine here with my study. Recently our teacher taught me ‘The Will of Sacrifice’ lesson. This lesson is about Bhagat Sing’s revolutionary activities and his sacrifice for the freedom of our country. I am very impressed by this. I suggest you to read that story. It shows how to work for our country.

            Convey my best regards to your mother and younger brother. Do study well and take care of your health.

Your loving friend,

Arun Patil


Prakash Deshamukh

Hanuman nagar, Aland

Dist: Kalaburagi

V1. Match the following adjectives in column ‘A’ with suitable words in column ‘B’ to form appropriate word combinations.

           A                           B

1. revolutionary        a. effort

2. collective               b. room

3. turbulent               c. struggle

4. conditional            d. floor

5. freedom                e. ideas

6. dingy                      f. reflexes

7. wet                         g. waters


             A                          B

1. Revolutionary       e. ideas

2. Collective               a. effort

3. Turbulent              g. waters

4. Conditional           f. reflexes

5. Freedom                c. struggle

6. Dingy                      b. room

7. wet                         d. floor

V2. In the following sentences, substitute the underlined words with appropriate phrasal verbs given in brackets:

1. A committee has been set up to examine the problem.

2. They managed to extinguish the fire after ten hours.

3. Lots of people arrived for the music concert.

4. True friends support one another in times of need.

5. Whatever the temptation, he won’t yield to corruption.

(put out, turned up, stand by, give in, look into)


1. look into

2. Put out

3. Turned up

4. Stand by

5. Give in

Watch this video for explanation of The Will of Sacrifice question and answer.

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