SSLC English FA 4 Question Paper with key answer 2023-24 part 2

SSLC English FA 4 Question Paper with key answer 2023-24 part 2. Download 10th class FA 4 question papers. English FA 4 question papers for class 10.

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SSLC English FA 4 Question Paper with key answer 2023-24 part 2

Subject: English

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Click here to download SSLC English FA 4 question paper

Click here to download FA 4 key answer

1. SSLC English FA 1 question paper 2023-24

2. SSLC English FA 2 Question Paper 2023-24

3. SSLC English FA 3 question paper 2023-24

4. SSLC English FA 4 question paper 2023-24

Watch this video for the explanation of SSLC English FA 4 Question Paper with key answer 2023-24 part 2.

10th class achievement test question papers with key answers

Q.I Multiple choice questions.  2×1=2

    1. Read the given conversation and choose the language function for the underlined sentence:

       Sweta: Why are you too late for the function?

       Ganesh: I am late because of traffic.

       Sweta: Its ok, do you want juice?

       Ganesh: No, thank you.

       (A) Expressing sympathy           (B) enquiring

       (C) Offering help                         (D) Seeking help.

    2. Read the given conversation and select the infinitive:

       Chetan: Hello sir, how many guests will come for dinner?

       Manager: I am expecting two guests to come for dinner.

       Chetan: Ok, thanks for the information.

       Manager: You are welcome sir.

       (A) two guests      (B) guests to    (C) to come       (D) expecting

Q.II Do as directed. 2×1=2

      3. Fill in the blank with appropriate tense form of the verb given in bracket:

          Sandeep___________(be+play) chess yesterday with his classmates.

      4. Write the correct form of the word given in bracket:

          Mr. Ritesh has been having ______ (finance) problems for a long time.

Q.III Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.   3×2=6

      5. Why were the technical experts summoned by the three superpowers?

      6. Why do the tea cups circle around him in ‘Off to Outer Space Tomorrow Morning’?

      7. What did the old folk of Tibet say about happiness?

Q.IV Answer the following question in 5-6 sentences.   1×3=3

     8. How did the bird inspire Satish to become an artist?

Formative assessment question papers for class 10

Q.V Quote from memory:   1×4=4

      9. The quality of……………………………………….



        ……………………………………… him that takes.


        With heavy………………………………………………



        ……………………………………….. ne’er can know.

Q.VI Given below is a profile of Prabhakar. Write a paragraph using the clues given below:       1×3=3

     10. Age                                          :           41 years

      Date of birth                                :           12th August 1982 in Kalaburagi

      Qualification                               :           M.A. M.Ed.

      Name of spouse                          :           Kalpana

      Profession                                    :           Assistant Manager SBH, Aland

      Hobbies                                        :           Blogging and web designing       Reasons for popularity               :           Helps the ordinary and needy

Key answer 10th standard FA 4 question papers


1. (B) enquiring

2. (C) to come


3. was playing         

4. financial


5. The three nuclear powers were willing to come to an agreement on putting a ban on the nuclear weapon test. But the problem was how to detect if there was a violation of the agreement. Hence the experts were summoned to Geneva to solve the problem.

6. On Earth, things are pulled down because of gravity. But in space, there’s no gravity. So, if you have a teacup or anything else in space, it would float and spin around like planets going around the Sun.

7. According to the old folk, happiness was like a beautiful bird residing on a snowy mountain in the east. They believed that wherever the bird flew, happiness followed with it.



One day he saw a rare bird that was flying here and there. It had long tail and black crest. It had restless energy and to flight at any moment. He was attracted by the bird and sketched the bird from his memory. Satish liked his sketch, and kept beside his bed on the pile of books. He had discovered his past time by filling the pages with pictures and patterns of his thinking. Like this the bird in the garden changed his life.

10th class FA 4 question papers



The quality of mercy is not strain’d;

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:

It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes.


With heavy sighs I often hear

You mourn my hapless woe;

But sure with patience I can bear

A loss I ne’er can know.


10. Prabhakar, a 41-year-old individual born on 12th August 1982 in Kalaburagi. Holding both M.A. and M.Ed. qualifications, he has carved a niche for himself in the educational field. Currently serving as an Assistant Manager at SBH in Aland. Married to Kalpana, he is not just a devoted family man but also an individual deeply committed to social causes. Prabhakar’s popularity stems from his persistent efforts to assist the ordinary and needy. Beyond his professional responsibilities, he channels his creativity into blogging and web designing, showcasing a multifaceted personality that contributes positively to both his immediate surroundings and the virtual world.

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