Past perfect continuous tense worksheet

Past perfect continuous tense worksheet

Past perfect continuous tense worksheet for all competitive exams. Past perfect continuous tense worksheet with answers. Past perfect continuous tense examples and formula.

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Past perfect continuous tense worksheet with answers

Exercise of Past Perfect Continuous Tense:

Write down the correct form of the verb given in the bracket to make a sentence into the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. Anand _______ the job application. (accept)

2. The boy________ the parcel. (not/deliver)

3. Harish _____ always ______ in front of his teacher. (nod)

4. ___ Anant friends always ______ him in college? (annoy)

5. They_______ the film. (not/enjoy)

6. Water _____ above the dam. (overflow)

7. He ______ near the highway. (beg)

8. She ______ the water in the milk. (not/mix)

9. Police _____ always _____ the people. (protect)

10. They _______ the expenditure. (not/calculate)

11. We ______ another computer in our office. (include)

12. ____ he _____ from fever? (suffer)

13. I ____ the sim card yesterday. (change)

14. She ______ anything to the teacher. (not/explain)

15. Pintu ______ the job offers. (reject)

16. Pushpa ______ a cake. (eat)

17. ____ he ______ the ground? (dig)

18. They ________ seeds. (not/plant)

19. We _________ on his back. (pat)

20. Usha ________ the flowers.  (pluck)

Past Perfect Continuous Tense with Answers:

1. Anand had been accepting the job application.

2. The boy hadn’t been delivering the parcel.

3. Harish had always been nodding in front of his teacher.

4. had Anant friends always been annoying him in college?

5. They had not been enjoying the film.

6. Water had been overflowing above the dam.

7. He had been begging near the highway.

8. She hadn’t been mixing the water in the milk.

9. Police had always been protecting the people.

10. They hadn’t been calculating the expenditure.

11. We had been including another computer in our office.

12. Had he been suffering from fever?

13. I had been changing the sim card yesterday.

14. She hadn’t been explaining anything to the teacher.

15. Pintu had been rejecting the job offers.

16. Pushpa had been eating a cake.

17. Had he been digging the ground?

18. They had not been planting seeds.

19. We had been patting on his back.

20. Usha had been plucking the flowers.

Watch this video for the explanation of Past perfect continuous tense worksheet for all competitive exams.

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