Noun adjective and adverb clauses exercises

Noun adjective and adverb clauses exercises

Noun adjective and adverb clauses exercises for all competitive exams. Learn English grammar easily.

In this post we will learn what is clauses? Types of clauses and examples. This topic is helpful for high school, college and all CET exams. To get more video notes visit our YouTube channel.

What is clause?

A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb that have a relationship. The clause conveys information about what that subject is or is doing.

Types of clauses:

Mainly there are two types of clauses. They are as following.

  1. Main clause ( Independent clause )
  2. Subordinate clause ( Dependent clause )

Example: I saw a woman who was crying.

In the above sentence ‘I saw a woman.’ is main clause. Because it is giving complete meaning.

‘Who was crying.’ Is subordinate clause. Because this sentence is not giving complete meaning. To give complete meaning it depends upon main clause.

Types in Subordinate clause ( Dependent clause )

There are three types in subordinate clause. They are as following.

  1. Noun clause
  2. An adjective clause and
  3. An adjective clause.

1. Noun clause:

In this post we are going to learn details of the three types of subordinate clause with definition and examples.

What is noun clause?

A noun clause functions as a noun in the sentence.


  1. I know that Raju will not come today.
  2. They asked him what he likes.
  3. My teacher know who will do this.
  4. Your achievement depends on how you study.
  5. Tarun can invite whomever he chooses.

2. An adjective clause:

What is an adjective clause?

An adjective clause functions as an adjective in the sentence. This clause is used to describe or modify noun or pronoun.


  1. She is the only girl that can sing well.
  2. This is the city where I studied.
  3. He is the man who has performed well.
  4. Geeta has lost the mobile which you gave her yesterday.
  5. Teacher told us the reason why we study grammar.

3. An adjective clause:

What is an adverb clause?

An adverb clause functions as an adverb in the sentence. This clause can describe or modify verbs, adverbs or adjectives.


  1. Show your homework when the teacher arrives.
  2. Anjali waited where she always sits.
  3. He enjoys whenever he plays cricket.
  4. Pavan makes money wherever he goes.
  5. I can’t speak because I am tired.

Watch this video to learn Noun adjective and adverb clauses exercises.

Realated English grammar notes:

Parts of Speech Part 1

Noun and its types | Parts of Speech Part 2

Adverb and types of an adverb

Adjectives and Types of Adjectives

Prepositions and Types of Prepositions

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