Nobleness Enkindleth Nobleness questions and answers

Nobleness Enkindleth Nobleness questions and answers

Nobleness Enkindleth Nobleness questions and answers is for 9th standard students. We have given questions and answers from the poem nobleness enkindleth nobleness.

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Understand the poem:

1. Who came to Yussouf’s tent one night?

Ans: A stranger came to Yussoufs tent one night.

2. What did he say?

Ans: He said that he was expelled from his community and lost the power.

3. Did he go to the tent for food and shelter?

Ans: Yes, he had gone to the tent for food and shelter.

 4. Was Yussouf called ‘The Good’?

Ans: Yes, Youssouf was called ‘The good’.

5. Was Yussouf kind to the stranger?

Ans: Yes, Youssouf was kind to the stranger.

6. Did Yussouf believe in God?

Ans: Yes, Youssouf was believed in God.

7. What did Yussouf say, waking up the stranger?

Ans: Youssouf said to the stranger, “Here is gold, my swiftest horse is saddled for thy flight, depart before the praying day grow bold.”

8. What made the stranger’s face grand?

Ans: Nobleness, kindness, and generosity of Yussouf made the stranger’s face grand.

9. Who killed Yussouf’s son?

Ans: The stranger killed Yussouf’s son.

10. Did Yussouf get angry?

Ans: No, Yussouf did not get angry.

11. What did Yussouf say to Ibrahim?

Ans: Youssouf said Ibrahim, “Take thrice the gold, for with you into the desert, never to return, my one black thought shall ride away from me”.

12. Who did Yussouf yearn for day and night?

Ans: Youssouf yearned day and night for his dead son.

9th standard questions and answers

Read and appreciate:

1. How has the poet described the stranger?

Ans: The stranger was expelled from his community and lost his power. He came there in night for shelter and food.

2. Pick out the lines which show Yussouf’s respect for God.

Ans: “The tent is mine, but no more than it is god’s” and “Balanced and just are all of god’s decrees”.

3. Explain: “As one lamp lights another, nor grows less, So nobleness enkindleth nobleness.”

Ans: The stranger is overwhelmed by the kindness of Yussouf and he became a kind man. So nobleness enkindleth nobleness.

4. Which line gives the idea that God is impartial?

Ans: “Balanced and just are all of God’s decrees”. This line gives the idea that God is impartial.

5. What message does the poet give us through this poem?

Ans: The quality of kindness and generosity which lead to happiness in life.

6. Which line do you like the most and why?

Ans: “Balanced and just are all of God’s decrees”. Because it gives the idea that God is impartial.

7. Try to dramatize the poem. Use body language, facial expressions, and perform the poem.

Ans: This is an ctitvity for students to act in the form of drama.

Complete the summary of the poem by filling in the blanks. Choose the words from those given in brackets. Note: The same word may be used more than once.

On a pleasant and quiet night, a desperate……………… goes to the tent of ……… He begs…………….to protect him from the………………..who were after him ………… readily grants what he wants. He……………the guest that night. Before the sun rises, he wakes him up and tells him to flee with his swiftest…………………and some……………………..The guest’s heart moves and makes him………………….that he had killed Yussouf’s son. But, to his surprise, Yussouf gives him thrice the gold and tells him to go away before the enemy…………..him.

(confess, gold, Yussouf, stranger, horse, entertains, enemies, catches, shelter)

Ans: stranger, Yussouf, shelter, enemies, Yussouf, entertains, horse, gold, confess, catches.

Watch this video for explanation of Nobleness Enkindleth Nobleness questions and answers for 9th class.

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