Monday Morning question and answer for class 9. Notes of the lesson Monday morning for 9th class. Important question and answer from Monday Morning.
In this post we have explained Monday morning lesson notes. Read questions and answers of Monday Morning.
To get more video notes for 9th class visit our YouTube channel. This channel is very useful for 9th standard exam preparation.
C.1 Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each:
1. How did Tom feel no Monday Morning?
Ans: Tom felt miserable on Monday morning, because it started another week’s slow suffering in school.
2. Why did he want to be sick?
Ans: Tom wanted to be sick to stay home from school. He doesn’t like to go to school.
3. What made Tom think of his toe?
Ans: Tom remembered the doctor’s telling about a certain thing that laid up a patient for two or three weeks. This made Tom think of his toe.
4. Why did he start groaning?
Ans: He started groaning so that his younger brother Sid would take the news to his aunt.
5. What did he want Sid to do?
Ans: He wanted Sid to tell his aunt about his ailment.
6. Was there anything really wrong with his toe?
Ans: Nothing was wrong with Tom’s toe.
7. Did Aunt Polly believe that Tom was really dying?
Ans: Aunt Polly did not believe that Tom was really dying.
8. What did Aunt Polly do, when Tom said his toe was mortified?
Ans: When Tom said that his toe was mortified, aunt Polly sank down into a chair and laughed a little, then cried a little.
9. What did he complain of next?
Ans: Next, he complained of tooth-ache.
10. Did Tom’s plan finally succeed?
Ans: Tom’s plans did not succeed finally.
Notes of the lesson Monday morning
C.2 Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each:
1. What did Tom begin to investigate? Why?
Ans: Tom began to investigate ailments in his body. Because he wanted to stay at home, not going to school. He disliked to go school.
2. Why did Tom try not to complain about his loose tooth?
Ans: Tom kept his complaint about his loose tooth as a reserve for the present.
3. What happened when Tom thought that he had stomach pain?
Ans: When Tom thought that he had stomach pain, he had little success. The pain soon grew feeble and died wholly away.
4. How did Aunt Polly pull out Tom’s tooth?
Ans: Aunt Polly tied one end of the silk thread to Tom’s tooth with a loop and tied the other to the bedpost. Then she seized the pan of burning coals and suddenly thrust it almost into Tom’s face. He jerked back and the tooth hung dangling by the bedpost. Like this, she pulled out Tom’s tooth.
Watch this video for explanation of Monday Morning question and answer for class 9.