Kalika Chetarike activity 49 for 9th class students. 49 activity worksheet for 9th standard students. Key answer for activity 49.1 and 49.2.
In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 9th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. 9th class Kalika Chetarike English.
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9th class Activity worksheet and key answer
Learning Outcome 9.8
Attempts creative writing like short poems, jingles, and stories and narratives showing sensitivity of gender, environment, and appreciation of cultural diversity.
Activity 49:
Showing sensitivity of gender and environment, and appreciation of cultural diversity.
Activity 49.1: Gender Sensitivity.
Gender sensitivity
Stress the importance of treating everyone fairly and equally regardless of their gender. Domestic work or childcare are everyone’s duty there is no such thing as this is woman’s work this is man’s work. Refrain using phrases of like don’t act like a girl or be a boy. Avoid negative comments on their looks like facial features, weight, skin colour etc. Gender equality should be taught when one is young. Parents, family members and teachers also play important roles in teaching gender equality and respect to the children. Use gender neutral language. Ask all to participate in a variety of classroom chores regardless of their gender. Use project based learning. Give knowledge that same salary for same work. Watch out for domestic violence.
A. Read the statements, and then complete the table.
Characteristics/ Behaviour | Agree/ Disagree | Reason |
Most drivers in India are men. | Agree | Because of social custom |
Caring and nurturing of babies is a woman’s responsibility. | Disagree | Men also have responsibility. |
Women should not go out of their homes after dark. | Disagree | Women also have equal freedom. |
Scientists are men. | Disagree | Most of the women also become scientist. |
Women cannot carry heavy loads; they are weak. | Agree | It has scientific reason. |
Men have short hair. | Agree | Its common social custom. |
Cooking and cleaning come naturally to women. | Disagree | Most of men also cooks. |
9th class Kalika Chetarike English
B. Writing task
Write how to bring gender equality:
Answer: What is Gender Equality?
Gender equality or sexual equality is the state when all human being can have easy and equal access to all the opportunities, resources, etc., in spite of their biological differences. They should be granted equality in developing their own future, equality in economic participation, equality in the way of lifestyle, equality in granting them the freedom to make decisions, equality in almost everything they go through in their life.
1. Equality at Home
2. Equal Pay for Equal Work
3. Zero Tolerance for Sexual Harassment and Gender-Based Bias
4. Economic Equality
5. Get women into power.
Activity 49.2: Environment sensitivity.
Environmental sensitivity
Children should be given a good knowledge of the natural surroundings and its importance. Environmental awareness should also be given. Causes of pollution, conservation of soil, forest, energy, human health, wildlife. Reduce, reuse, and recycle.
A. Answer the following questions.
1. Which of the following do you feel is the worst environmental problem facing the planet? Are there others?
a. ozone depletion b. toxic waste c. global warming d. water pollution
e. air pollution f. deforestation
Above mentioned all points are responsible for environmental problem. Beside that there are so many other reasons are there. They are as following:
a) Consumption. b) Manufacturing.
c) Mass Production. d) The Problem of Urban Sprawl.
e) Eutrophication. f) Human Population. etc
2. Who is to be responsible for making sure we have a healthy environment?
a) industries b) government of India c) environmental groups d) people
All of the above are to be responsible for making sure we have a healthy environment.
Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 49 for 9th class students.