Kalika Chetarike activity 46 for 8th class students. 11.b activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer of 8th class Kalika Chetarike.
In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. 8th class Kalika Chetarike English.
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11.b activity worksheet for 8th standard
Activity 11.b
1) Underline the determiners. The first one has been done for you.
E.g.: Every child was given a book to read.
a) This weekend, we will go to the old fort for our relaxation.
b) Doctor said that, an apple every day will keep you healthy.
c) Three days later, the train reached the destination.
d) These colour boxes are the best. My daddy bought them for my birthday.
e) Those children will hurt themselves if they don’t get cell phones to play.
2) Choose a determiner to fill the gap.
a) ______________day was the worst day of ______________life.
Answer: That, my
b) Face is _______ index of the mind, shouted ___________teacher.
Answer: the, the
c) If ________ people agree, then ________ houses will be built on _____ land.
Answer: these, the, that
d) One of my students wants to be ____________ astronaut or ________teacher.
Answer: an, a
3) Read the story below, the determiners are missing. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate determiner. Once upon _____________ time, there lived _______________ young boy called Rishi, ____________father had suddenly disappeared. He longed to get____________ father back, as he didn’t like living in_______________ house on own person who could help him lived on______________ isolated island over ocean. In______________ days, people
couldn’t afford to travel on____________ aeroplane, __________transport option was only for________ rich people. Rishi wished for _____________ money. As if by magic, ______________ wizard, _______________ robes were all tattered and torn, suddenly appeared in ________________ doorway. He granted Rishi wishes. He had to use _____________ wishes within _______________ day. Rishi’s wish was to have________ lavish boat he could travel in to rescue ____________father.
8th class Kalika Chetarike English
Once upon a time, there lived an young boy called Rishi, His father had suddenly disappeared. He longed to get into father back, as he didn’t like living in the house on own person who could help him lived on that isolated island over ocean. In those days, people couldn’t afford to travel on an aeroplane, that transport option was only for the rich people. Rishi wished for the money. As if by magic, that wizard, the robes were all tattered and torn, suddenly appeared in the doorway. He granted Rishi wishes. He had to use those wishes within that day. Rishi’s wish was to have the lavish boat he could travel in to rescue his father.
Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 46 for 8th class students.