Kalika Chetarike activity 42 for 9th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 42 for 9th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 42 for 9th class students. 43.2 activity worksheet for 9th standard students. Key answer for activity 43.2 and 43.3.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 9th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. 9th class Kalika Chetarike English.

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activity worksheet for 9th standard

Learning Outcome 9.7

Writes answers to textual and non-textual questions after comprehension/ inference.

Writes messages, notices, formal/ informal letters, descriptions, narratives, short personal/biographical experiences.

  Letter Format (Official Letters)
From, (write your name and the address)

Date: _________  

To, (Write the name and the address to the concerned authority given in the question)

Dear Sir,  

Subject: __________________________________________________.  

Body (matter ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.  

Thank you
Yours faithfully/obediently,

Activity 43.2:

Write a letter to your Gram Panchayath/City corporation informing them about the irregular water supply in your area.



Pramod Kumar

Ganesh nagar

3rd cross, Kodagu.

Date: 28.10.2022


The Chairman,

The Municipal Commissioner,


Respected sir,

Subject: Irregular water supply timing in our locality.

With reference to the subject I am Pramod Kumar Ganesh nagar. I would like to draw your kind attention to the irregular water supply in our locality. There is no timing of proper water supply in our locality.

It has‌ been more than one week since the water is not being supplied at the proper time. I’m aware of the fact of the water shortage in our country. The government has made a rule that water will be supplied only fix times. However, there is no particular schedule in which water is available in our locality.

Kindly, so it’s our humble request to you. Please solve this problem as soon as possible. We shall be thankful to you.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Pramod Kumar

9th class Activity worksheet and key answer

Activity 43.3:

Write a letter on the problem of irregularity of buses to the ‘Letters to the Editor’ section of any newspaper.

Clues: buses do not come in time- inconvenience to daily commuters- bring it to the notice of the higher authority.



Sharat Kumar

Basava colony

2nd Block, Kalaburagi

Date: 28.10.2022


The Editor

The Deccan Herald


Respected sir,

Subject: Poor Bus Service.

With reference to the subject I am Sharat Kumar, I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to the poor bus service for the residents of Basava colony 2nd Block, Kalaburagi

Due to poor bus service, lives of the residents are getting adversely affected. Frequency of the buses in the area is low, people have to wait for one hour to two hours.  Worst affected are the school children and office goers. As they are left with no other option than to hire expensive private modes of transport.

I hope I have been able to highlight the problem in this letter and that adequate measures will be taken without further delay. Looking forward to a positive change.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Sharat Kumar

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Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 42 for 9th class students.

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