Kalika Chetarike activity 1 for 8th class students. 2.1 activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer for activity 1 and 2.2.
In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike.
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8th class Activity worksheet and key answer
Foundational Literacy Goal: Identifies letters and their sounds.
LEARNING SHEET Activity 1.1:
Your teacher will read the following pairs of words. Listen and repeat.
feel | fill |
heat | hit |
sleep | slip |
green | grin |
What difference in sound were you able to identify for each pair of words?
Answer: Words from first column are long vowel sounds and from second column they are short vowel sounds.
Activity 1.2:
Say each word given below and write them down in either of the two columns A few examples have been given for you.
[ lead, seek, clean, fit, mist, kit, priest, read, grin, speed, mix, meet, breed, sheet, win, mean, spit, chit, dream, fees, heed, lean, trim, hid ]
/i:/ | /I/ |
e.g., mean Answer: lead, seek, clean, priest, read, speed, meet, breed, sheet, mean, dream, fees, heed, lean | e.g., spit Answer: fit, mist, kit, grin, mix, win, chit, trim, hid |
Activity 2.1:
Your teacher will read the following pairs of words. Listen and repeat.
bed | Bad |
said | Sad |
set | sat |
met | mat |
pen | pan |
What difference in sound were you able to identify for each pair of words?
Answer: Words from first column are /e/ this sound. But from second column they are /æ/ this sound.
Key answer of 8th class worksheet
Activity 2.2:
Say each word given below and write them down in either of the two columns A few examples have been given for you.
[ catch, tense, sleep, fan, left, mad, scratch, neck, span, sent, hatch, fresh, den, drench, sketch, pat, flat, fleck, deck, crack ]
/æ/ | /e/ |
e.g.: hatch Answer: catch, fan, mad, scratch, span, pat, flat, crack | e.g.: drench Answer: tense, sleep, left, neck, sent, fresh, den, sketch, fleck, deck |
Activity 3.1:
Your teacher will read the following words. Listen and repeat.
Part | Fast | Heart | Past | smart |
Mask | Shark | Hard | Art | bark |
Can you identify the common sound in all of these words?
Answer: These words are pronouncing using /a:/ (long vowel sounds) this sound.
Write 4 more words with the same sound:
Answer: far, car, bar, star, after, last, ask, start, large, party etc.
Activity 3.2:
Read the paragraph given below, underline the words that have the sound /a:/ and write it in the box.
He is my father. He works in an art gallery. His master is an old man, past seventy. All the workers there are smart and sincere.
Father, art, master, past, all, are, smart, and |
8th class Abhyasa halegalu
Activity 4:
Your teacher will read the following words. Listen and repeat.
again | achieve | assist | above | amidst |
among | aloof | around | ashore | ago |
What is the sound that all these words begin with?
Answer: These words are beginning with short vowel sound /a/
Write 4 more words with the same sound:
Answer: aunt, arrange, arose, asleep, awake etc
Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 1 for 8th class students.