Kalika Chetarike activity 3 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 3 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 3 for 8th class students. 9 and 10 activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer for activity 3 and 11 and 12.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike.

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Download worksheet with key answer

8th class Activity 2.1 and 9

Activity 9:

Your teacher will read the following words. Listen and repeat.


What is the common sound in all these words?

Answer: /ÊŠ/ is common sound in all these words.

Write 4 more words with the same sound:


1. full

2. look

3. took

4. cook

Activity 10:

Your teacher will read the following words. Listen and repeat.


What is the common sound in all these words?

Answer: /o/ short vowel sound iscommon sound in all these words.

Write 4 more words with the same sound:


1. phone

2. boat

3. snow

4. go

Activity 11:

Your teacher will read the following words. Listen and repeat.


What is the common sound in all these words?

Answer: / É”: / sound is common sound in all these words.

Write 4 more words with the same sound:


1. almost

2. also

3. for

4. also

Key answer of 8th class worksheet

Activity 12:

Go through the list of words given below. Pronounce each word, identify the vowel sound and write them in the respective columns. Note that some words have more than one vowel sound and for such words consider the sound of the letter that has been underlined.

shoe, cap, plus, manage, whose, fruit, brother, them, mud, spent, above, flat, burn, push, ore, pass, scatter, ease, check, hut, puss, devil, art, salt, mint, board, mast, fish, shock, vast, lock
/I://I//e//æ//a:// ə /
EaseMint fishThem Spent Check Devil  Cap Manage Above Flat ScatterPass Art Salt Mast vast 
/3://^//U://U//É”//É”: /
 Puss Plus Mud Burn hutFruitPushShock lockboard

Learning Outcome 8.1

Responds to announcements and instructions made in class, school assembly, railway station, and other public places.

Activity 1. a:

Read the following instructions and get ready for the game. Game: Listen and follow your teacher’s instructions.

☺ Stand up

☺ Open your book

☺ Sit down

☺ Close your book

☺ Touch your head

☺ Take your English note

☺ Pick up your pencil

☺ Touch your nose

☺ Put down your pencil

☺ Raise your left hand

☺ Raise your right hand

☺ Write in your notebook

☺ Turn to page no. 5

☺ Close your eyes

☺ Turn around

☺ Stand at ease

☺ Attention

☺ Raise both hands

☺ Stand in pairs

☺ Stand in groups of three

☺ Jump

Class 8 worksheet with answer

Activity 1. b:

As students, you have heard many instructions in school. A few such instructions are listed below. If you hear the given instruction frequently, tick ‘always’; if you hear it once in a while, tick ‘sometimes’ and if you haven’t heard it at all, tick ‘never’

Sl. No.InstructionsAlwaysSometimesNever
01School attentiontick  
02Come to school regularlytick  
03Draw amount  tick
04Be punctualtick  
05Go to the market  tick
06Make a single linetick  
07Prayer beginstick  
08Drive your car  tick
09Sing the national anthemtick  
10Thought for the daytick  

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 3 for 8th class students.

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