I am the Land important points

I am the Land important points for SSLC exam preparation. 3 marks question and answer from I am the Land poem. Download I am the Land poem notes.

In this post we are going to discuss I am the Land poem questions and answer for class 10. I am the Land poem is for class 10 in second language English.

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I am the Land important points

I am the Land poem questions and answer for class 10

1. The poem “I Am the Land” talks about how humans harm the land in different ways, like building, consuming, and fighting wars.

2. Even though the land is mistreated, it patiently waits and hopes for better times when someone takes care of it by planting and bringing life to it.

3. When the land comes alive with trees, fruits, and grass, everyone feels happy, and there is a sense of celebration.

4. Unfortunately, this happiness doesn’t last because humans continue to damage the land, especially through war.

5. The land warns humans that they can’t control or own the earth, and if they don’t change their ways, they will have to face the consequences.


As people keep using the land, the land quietly observes and hopes for a change. Sometimes, a caring person brings life to the land, and it feels joy. But that joy is short-lived as the land is once again hurt by careless actions. Still, the land remains strong, holding on to hope. It believes that one day, people will change and treat it with kindness.

Notes of the poem I am the Land

The statement “You cannot put a fence around the planet Earth” means that the Earth is for everyone, and no one can truly own or control it completely. Even if people try to claim parts of the land by putting up fences, the Earth reminds them that it belongs to all of us. The whole planet is our shared home, and it’s too big and connected to be fenced in or divided by anyone.


The central idea of the poem “I Am the Land” is a reflection on how humans exploit the Earth, taking it for granted and causing harm through their actions. The land quietly observes as people build, consume, and wage wars on it. Despite moments of joy when the land is nurtured, this happiness is short-lived as humans continue to abuse it.

The land asserts that the Earth cannot be owned or fenced in by anyone, emphasizing that the planet belongs to all. It waits for humanity to change, warning that if people don’t learn to care for the Earth, they will face the consequences.

Watch this video for the explanation of I am the Land important points.

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