FA 4 question paper for 9th standard

FA 4 question paper for 9th standard

FA 4 question paper for 9th standard with key answers. We have provided achievement test 4 question paper with answers.

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FA 4 question paper:

Q.I Do as directed.   6×1=6

     1) Name the parts of speech of the underlined word.

         Sham is preparing for annual exam.

     2) Fill in the blank with suitable preposition.

          He went ……. market to buy note book.

     3) Which one of the following word has two syllables?

          Month,        formula,      sentence,   light.

     4) Fill in the blank with correct words given in the brackets.

          Sharat got first ……… (prize / price) in quiz competition.

     5) Write suitable question tag of the following sentence.

          John learns English grammar in the class.

     6) Fill in the blank with appropriate article.

          Which is ……. biggest vessel in the world.

Q.II Answer the following questions in two or three sentences.   2×2=4

     7) What is Dr. Abdul Kalam’s vision of India in 2020?

     8) What did Tom begin to investigate? Why?

Q.III Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.    1×3=3

     9) “If I live I might perhaps get a chance to fulfil them.”

              a) Who is referred as ‘I’?

              b) What wishes did he want to fulfil?

              c) Why did the speaker think so?

Q.IV Study the picture given below. Write a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you in a paragraph.     1×3=3


pictorial writing

Q.V Quote from memory.   1×4=4

11. Freedom is our ……




……….…the truth to all.


We are strong……………



.………never come again.

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fa 4 key answer:


1) verb

2) to

3) sentence

4) prize

5) doesn’t he?

6) the


7) Dr. Abdul Kalam would like to see in twenty years a literate and poverty free India. He dreams of an India governed by noble leaders. Scientists and technologists should focus on the goals relevant to the common man.

8) Tom began to investigate the ailment in his body. Because he wanted to stay at home from the school.


9)       a) I referred to Bhagat Singh

          b) He wanted to do something for humanity and for his country.

          c) Because the speaker is going to hang by British.


10) The mice in the grocer’s shop ate plenty of grains and he had to suffer a great lose. So, the shopkeeper bought a cat. During the meeting of the mice, one of them said that the cat’s movement was soft. So, there was a need for belling the cat.  All the mice agreed that it was a good decision. Someone asked, “Who will bell the cat?” No answer came. As yet, the decision has not seen executed.


11) Freedom is our universal speech,

      Equality the experienced grace;

      We’ll blow the conch of victory

      And publish the truth to all.


    We are strong, and are better,

    Under manhood’s sterner reign;

    Still we feel that something sweet

    Followed youth, with flying feet,

    And will never come again.

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