Biographical sketch writing

Biographical sketch writing

Biographical sketch writing for GPSTR exam and other competitive exams. Biographical sketch example for college students.

In this post we will learn how do you write a biographical sketch? What is biographical sketch example? And biographical sketch outline.

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Biographical sketch writing:

What is biographical sketch?

A biographical sketch means an account of the life and activities of an individual or family. It would include information about the person’s name, place of residence, education, occupation, life and activities and other important details.

Biographical sketch writing tips:

1. Remember Your Purpose

2. Be Concise

3. Highlight Achievements and Influences

4. Arrange Your Information

5. Verify Your Information

biographical sketch example:

1. Poonam has joined your school recently. She is your classmate. Write her biographical sketch in about 80-100 words with the help of the points given below.

a. Age: 12 years

b. School: DAV Public School, Delhi

c. Appearance: Tall, fair and pretty

d. Family background: Lives with parents in Delhi. Has a younger sister named, Radhika. Her father works at a motorbike company.

e. Languages known: German, English and Hindi

f. Hobbies: Cricket and travelling

g. Fond of: Listening to music


Poonam is 12 years old. Our school’s name is DAV Public School which is in Delhi. She is tall, fair and pretty. She lives with her parents in the city. She has a younger sister named Radhika. Her father works at a motorbike company. She can speak German, Hindi and English. Her hobbies are playing Cricket and travelling and she is fond of listening to music.

2. Mahatma Gandhi’s bio sketch is given below. Write his biographical sketch in about 80-100 words with the help of the points given below.

Oct 2, 1869 : Born at Porbanadar, to Karamchand and Putlibai

1888-1893 : Completed studies in England. Went to South Africa to practice law. Suffered discrimination there. Started nonviolent civil disobedience for civil rights of Indian community.

1914-1915 : Left South Africa and came back to India.

1915-1947 : Worked very hard through Satyagraha, civil disobedience, fasts, marches, movements and jail sentences to free India from the British.

Jan 30, 1948   : He was shot dead by Nathuram Godse at Birla House.


Mahatma Gandhi was born on Oct 2, 1869 to Karamchand and Putlibai at Porbandar. After completing his studies in England, he went to South Africa. When he suffered discrimination, he started civil disobedience for civil rights of Indian community. Around 1915, he came back to India. He started Satyagraha, civil disobedience, fasts, marches, movements and was senetenced many a times. His efforts helped India gain freedom from the British. In 1948, a mad man named Nathuram Godse assasinated him outside Birla House.

3. On the basis of the information provided in the box below, write a short bio-sketch of Abraham Lincoln.

Born: 1809 in Northern Kentucky

Family: Father- wealthy farmer, lost his land when Lincoln was 7, moved to Indiana

Mother- died when he was nine, family moved to Illinois soon after

Education: Little formal education, loved to read. Studied law by reading law books- became a lawyer in 1837, Springfield, Illinois

Political Career: began early- served in State Legislature, in the U.S. House of Representatives. Gifted Speaker, speeches against slavery, nomination for Presidency- won in 1860. Re-elected in 1864

Death: assassinated by John Wilks Booth on April 15, 1865. Remembered for wisdom, compassion, patriotism.


In 1809, Abraham Lincoln was born to a wealthy farmer family in Northern Kentucky. When he was 7 years old, his father lost his farming land and the family moved to Indiana. At the age of nine years old, after his mother passed away, his family moved to Illinois for livelihood.  Abraham had little formal education, but had a strong interest in books and learning. He studied law books as his own and started his career as lawyer in 1837, Springfield, Illinois. He soon moved into politics and served in State Legislature, in the U.S. House of Representatives. He was a talented orator. In his speeches, he talked about abolition of slavery. Finally, he was nominated and became the president in 1860. In 1864 he was re-elected as president. He was shot by John Wilks Booth on April 15, 1865. Abraham Lincoln is often remembered for his wisdom, compassion and patriotism that led led him to the nation’s highest office.

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