A Hero lesson 3 marks question and answer

A Hero lesson 3 marks question and answer

A Hero lesson 3 marks question and answer for SSLC students. We discussed important notes of the lesson A Hero. Notes of the lesson a hero.

In this post we are discussing question and answer of the lesson A Hero. This lesson is very important to score marks. Let’s study notes of the prose A Hero.

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Answer the following questions in 5-6 sentences each.

1. Narrate Swami’s dreadful experience when he was lying in the office room?

Ans: In the office room he remembered the stories of devils and ghosts. He slept under the bench. He had a nightmare that a tiger was chasing him. The nightmare continued. He saw something moving in the dark. He felt that it was the devil and his end had come. He caught the figure and bit it hard to save his life.

2. Narrate how a coward like Swami became a hero overnight? OR

How did Swami become a Hero overnight though he was not courageous?

Ans: A newspaper reported about a village boy who had fight with a tiger. His father said that courage was more important. Swami did not accept this. His father challenged him to show his courage by sleeping alone in the office room. While Swami was sleeping alone, he caught a burglar. Thus he became a hero.

3. What desperate attempts did Swami make to escape from his father?

Ans: Swami tried to change the topic. He said that he would sleep from the first of next month. He pretended to be asleep. He also said that there may be scorpions behind law books. He told his father’s office room is very dusty. These are he the desperate attempts did Swami make to escape from his father.

4. Why were congratulations showered on Swami the next day?

Ans: Swami slept alone in office room to prove his courage. That time he caught a burglar. This burglar was most wanted person to the police department. He had caught the notorious house breaker of the district and helped the police. So congratulations showered on Swami.

5. How was Swami honored by his classmates, teachers and headmaster?

Ans: Swami slept alone in office room to prove his courage. That time he caught a burglar. So his classmates looked at him with respect. His teachers patted his back. The headmaster said that he was a true scout. Thus Swami honored by his classmates, teachers and headmaster.

6. How were Swami’s opinion different than his father’s view on courage?

Ans: Swami’s father told the story of a brave boy who had fought with a tiger. Swami had different opinion than his father. Swami thought that age and strength of man is very important. His father believed that strength and age are not important. But Swami didn’t believe this.

7. A report about a boy in the newspaper was an unexpected event in Swami’s life. Justify.

Ans: When Swami’s father read about the boy who came face to face with a tiger and flight up the tree, Swami didn’t believe this. His father talked about the courage and asked Swami to sleep in his office alone if he had courage. In the end Swami caught the burglar. The police inspector praised the bravery of Swami.

8. Narrate Swami’s dreadful experience when he was lying under the bench.

Ans: When Swami slept under the bench, he was racked with nightmares of tiger was chasing him and he tried to escape but he couldn’t move. He could see the tiger scratching its claws on the ground and heard a loud thud. Swami groaned in despair. At last he opened his eyes and saw something moving down. He gazed at it with horror. He thought it would be the ghost.

9. Why did father want Swami to sleep alone in the office room?

Ans: Swami’s father told that courage is everything, strength and age are not important. He wanted his son to have courage to sleep alone. He also told Swami that it was disgraceful sleeping beside his grandmother or mother like a baby, as he was in the second form and he didn’t like the way he was being brought up.

10. When Swami slept in the office room he heard some sounds and remembered some stories. What were they?

Ans: ln the office room Swami heard some noises: the tickling off the clock, rustling of trees, snoring sound and some night insects humming. He remembered some stories of devils and ghosts. Muniswami’s father was slapped by devil and died. Fourth standard student was kidnaped by devil to Siam and Nepal.

Watch this video for explanation of A Hero lesson 3 marks question and answer for SSLC students.

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