9th class SA 1 question paper with key answer

9th class SA 1 question paper with key answer

9th class SA 1 question paper with key answer. Kalika Chetarike summative assessment 1 question paper with key. 9th standard SA 1 download.

SA 1 question paper for class 9. Kalika Chetarike based SA 1 for 9th class. Now download 9th class half year question paper. 9th class mid-term question paper with key.

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Class: 9th

Subject: English

Based on: Kalika Chetarike

Medium: Kannada

State: Karnataka

Sub-topic: SA 1 Question paper

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9th class SA 1 question paper

Class: 9th                                             Summative Assessment 1                      Marks: 80

Subject: English                              (Based on Kalika Chetarike)                    Time: 3 hours

Q.I Read the poem carefully and answer the following questions:        5×1=5

Robin sang so sweetly

“Thanks to God for summer days!”

He sang with all his might.

In the autumn days:

“There is fruit for everyone;

Let us all give praise!”

In the wintry weather

Still we heard his song.

“Some little bird must sing,” he said,

“Or winter will seem too long.”

When the spring came back again

He sang, “I told you so!

Keep on singing through the winter:

It will always go.”

1. When does Robin sing with all his might?

2. How does Robin sing?

3. What did Robin sing in the autumn?

4. According to Robin when will the winter seem short?

5. What comes after winter?

Q.II Complete the following:                  4×1=4

6. Play – ____________ (Write rhyming words)

7. sing – ____________ (Write past form of the verb)

8. Antonym for ‘arrive’ ____________. (now, come, depart, later)

9. paper: papers: chair: __________ (Write plural form)

Q.III Complete the following conversation.          1×3=3

 10. A teacher was talking with his student in the school.

Teacher: Yes, Why are you here?

Student: _______________________________________________________

Teacher: _____________________________________________________

Student: _______________________________________________________

Teacher: _____________________________________________________

Student: _______________________________________________________

Q.IV Choose the language function.         5×1=5

11. Could you please spare some time, sir?

a. request     b. apolize     c. order     d. Questioning

12. You’re absolutely right

a. expressing agreement     b. expressing disagreement    c. Complimenting     d. Wishing

13. If you don’t mind could I use your pen?

a. helping     b. seeking information     c. seeking help     d. seeking permission

14. I’m really grateful to you

a. Complimenting      b. Wishing      c. requesting      d. expressing gratitude

15. I’m very sorry a. apologizing     b. ordering   c. complimenting     d. expressing gratitude

SA 1 question paper for class 9

Q.V Complete the following dialogue.                                                                                      5×1=5

16. Introducing yourself to others.

Anand: __________________________________________________________

Chetan: ________________________________________________________

Anand: __________________________________________________________

Chetan: ________________________________________________________

Anand: __________________________________________________________

Chetan: Nice meeting you.

Q.VI Give the opposites of the following words.                                                                      3×1=3

17. tragedy x ___________

18. hell x _____________

19. empty x ___________

Q.VII Classify the desirable and undesirable qualities from the box and write.   1×4=4


Forgiveness, cooperation, hatred, gratitude, love, respect, selfishness, arrogance, ego, mercy, kindness, jealousy, laziness
Desirable qualitiesUndesirable qualities

Q.VIII Write any four main verb and helping verb.                    1×4=4


Main verbsHelping verbs

Q.IX Are the underlined nouns common or proper?        4×1=4

22. My friend has a new puppy.

23. The Caribbean Sea has many islands.

24. My sister’s name is Pushpa.

25. My brother lives in America.

Q.X Underline the pronouns in the sentences.       5×1=5

26. Rajesh has broken his new bat.

27. Kailash is looking at my new dress.

28. I watched a beautiful park.

29. He is waiting for Suma at Railway station.

30. She is reading newspaper.

Q.XI Complete the table with words that describe the verb.      3×1=3

31. run   
32. eat   
33. write   

Q.XII Fill in the blanks with has/ have.          4×1=4

34. Sushma ____________ a beautiful doll.

35. Prakash ____________ three books.

36. Boys ____________ lot of friends.

37. Do you ____________a coin?

Q.XIII Complete the table with words that describe the noun.      3×1=3

38. pen   
39. flower   
40. rose   

Q.XIV. Fill in the blanks with suitable prefix / suffix.      4×1=4

41. He was punished for ______________ (behaving) in the class.

42. You must not ______________ the law. (obey)

43. The team won the _____________ (champion)

44. I couldn’t find any ____________ in his theory. (weak)

9th class mid-term question paper

Q.XV Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.     4×1=4

45. _______ apple a day keeps the doctor away.

46. There is ______ problem in this code.

47. The clouds were not visible in _______ sky.

48. A lion is ________ animal.

Q.XVI Read the passage and answer the following questions.         5×1=5

Time is very valuable. If it is passed, it cannot be brought back even after spending lakhs and crores of rupees. Whoever has valued time in this world, he has lived life with happiness and him who wasted time, he himself is wasted.

Ask the time the player who missed the medal by the hundredth of a second. The train standing at the station is missed by a minute. Nowadays, many schools are not even allowed to enter school if they come late. Students should understand the value of time even more because by appreciating this life, they can achieve their life goals.

49. Why are the prices mentioned in the passage?

50. What will be the life of those who give importance to time?

51. Which person is himself ruined?

52. “Every moment of time is precious”. Which example is presented in the passage for this statement?

53. What inspiration do we get from this passage?

Q.XVII Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions and conjunctions.   4×1=4

54. I usually stay at home _____ night.

55. Rekha’s dance class starts _____ 5 pm.

56. I am right ___________ you are wrong.

57. He may be right __________ wrong in his opinion.

Q.XVIII Notice writing.        1×4=4

58. Imagine you are Pavan / Payal. Write a notice to your students regarding Dussehra holidays.

9th class English SA 1 question paper

Q.XIX Choose the correct words from the box to complete the pairs.    4×1=4

Moon, ears, poor, dogs, ball, west

59. Bat and _____________

60. The sun and_____________

61. Eyes and_____________

62. East and_____________

Q.XX Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the adjectives given in the brackets:  3×1=3

63. A deer runs _____________ (fast, faster, fastest) than an elephant.

64. Mount Everest is the _____________ (big, bigger, biggest) mountain in the world.

65. This is the _____________ (bad, worse, worst) thing that can ever happen.

summative assessment 1 question paper with key answer:

Q.I  1. In the autumn days.      2. Robin sang so sweetly.      3. There is fruit for everyone.

        4. Some little bird must sing.    5. Summer

Q.II  6. say, pay, slay etc       7. sang        8. depart           9. chairs


10. A teacher was talking with his student in the school.

Teacher: Yes, why are you here?

Student: Sir, I need my TC.

Teacher: Why do you need that?

Student: To get admission for PUC, sir.

Teacher: Write an application. Tomorrow we will provide.

Student: Ok sir, Thank you, sir.


11. a. request      12. a. expressing        13. d. seeking permission      14. d. expressing gratitude

15. a. apologizing     


16. Introducing yourself to others.

Anand: Hi… I am Anand from Mysore.

Chetan: Hello… I am Chetan from Kalaburagi.

Anand: Nice to meet you. I came here on Solar Energy project work.

Chetan: So nice. If you need any help, feel free to contact me.

Anand: Oh sure. By see you later.

Chetan: Ok bye.

Q.VI   17. tragedy x comedy            18. hell x heaven             19. empty x full

Q.VII  20.

Forgiveness, cooperation, hatred, gratitude, love, respect, selfishness, arrogance, ego, mercy, kindness, jealousy, laziness
Desirable qualitiesUndesirable qualities
Respect, mercy, kindnessJealousy, laziness

Q.VIII 21.

Main verbsHelping verbs

Q.IX   22. common noun           23. common noun           24. proper noun            25. proper noun


26. Rajesh has broken his new bat.      27. Kailash is looking at my new dress.

28. I watched a beautiful park.      29. He is waiting for Suma at Railway station.

30. She is reading newspaper.


31. runslowlyspeedilyreluctantly
32. eateagerlyinterestinglyhastily
33. writeneatlyfreelyhardily

Q.XII  34. has           35. has             36. have           37. have

9th class mid-term question paper with key


38. penredbluebig
39. flowersweetnicebeautiful
40. rosepinklovelypretty

Q.XIV.   41. misbehaving           42. disobey            43. championship             44. weakness

Q.XV    45. an          46. a           47. the              48. an


49. Time is said to be valuable in the passage. This is because if it passes, the time spent by spending millions of crores of rupees cannot be returned.

50. Life is happy for those who understand the importance of time. They spend their lives happily.

51. A person who wastes time in vain is wasted.

52. In this passage, an example of a player is presented, who could not win a medal by a hundredth of a second.

53. From this helps us learn from the passage we should understand that we value forever and must spend not waste time in your life, because time is valuable it helps to achieve the goal of his life.

Q.XVII    54. in         55. at         56. and         57. or

Q.XVIII  58.

Government High School

Date: 17.09.2022
Regarding Dussehra holidays Government has declared Dussehra holidays from 03.10.2022 to 16.10.2022. So after celebrating Mahatma Gandhi jayanti on October 2, We will close our classes. During holiday complete your home works. Again school starts from 17.10.2022.

Shankar B.T
Class Teacher

Q.XIX   59. ball        60. moon           61. ears            62. west

Q.XX     63. faster         64. biggest          65. worst

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