9th class pre-test question paper

9th class pre-test question paper

9th class pre-test question paper with key answer. Download 9th standard bridge course question paper. Pre test question paper of English subject.

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Pre test question paper of English subject:

Subject: English (31E)                               Bridge course 2022-23                                    Marks: 20

Class: 9th                                                                                  pre-test :                                                                Time: 25 minutes

A. List out the rhyming words:

1. Days – ____________

2. Blue – ____________

B. Complete the following:

3. A word that rhymes with bunch _________. (lunch, catch, watch, match)

4. Antonym for always ____________. (now, never, often, later)

5. Balloon: balloons: Man: __________. (Write plural form)

C. Choose the polite forms for these sentences.

6. The teacher wants Ravi to come in. What can the teacher say?

a. Please help me.    b. Please come in.    c. Excuse me

7. Charan needs Ravi’s help. What can Charan say?

a. Please help me.     b. You are welcome     c. I’m sorry

8. Your friend gives you a chocolate. What should you say?

a. May I help you?      b. Excuse me     c. Thank you

D. Give the opposites of the following words:

9. true x _____________

10. Clean x _____________

E. Write the past tense form of the words:

11. Say – _____________

12. Request – _____________

F. Underline the adjectives in the given sentences:

13. The parrot is a beautiful bird.

14. Birbal was a clever minister.

G. Write actions these items are used for: E.g. What to you use a spoon for?   To eat

15. What do you use a pencil for? ____________

16. What do you use a knife for? ___________

H. Fill in the blanks with has/ have.

17. Priya ____________ a book.

18. Girls ____________ long hair.

I. Now complete the sentences with the help of the clues given: –

19. He writes____________. (neat)

20. The teacher speaks ____________. (clear)

pre-test question paper with key answer:

A. List out the rhyming words:

1. Days – ____________ Ans: Pays, says

2. Blue – ____________ Ans: clue, slew

B. Complete the following:

3. A word that rhymes with bunch _________. (lunch, catch, watch, match) Ans: lunch

4. Antonym for always ____________. (now, never, often, later)   Ans: never

5. Balloon: balloons: Man: __________. (Write plural form)   Ans: men

C. Choose the polite forms for these sentences.

6. The teacher wants Ravi to come in. What can the teacher say?

a. Please help me.    b. Please come in.    c. Excuse me    Ans: b. Please come in.

7. Charan needs Ravi’s help. What can Charan say?

a. Please help me.     b. You are welcome     c. I’m sorry    Ans: a. Please help me.

8. Your friend gives you a chocolate. What should you say?

a. May I help you?      b. Excuse me     c. Thank you    Ans: c. Thank you

D. Give the opposites of the following words:

9. true x _____________   Ans: false

10. Clean x _____________   Ans: dirty

E. Write the past tense form of the words:

11. Say – _____________   Ans: said

12. Request – _____________   Ans: requested

F. Underline the adjectives in the given sentences:

13. The parrot is a beautiful bird.   Ans: beautiful

14. Birbal was a clever minister.   Ans: clever

G. Write actions these items are used for: E.g. What to you use a spoon for?   To eat

15. What do you use a pencil for? ____________   Ans: to write

16. What do you use a knife for? ___________   Ans: to cut

H. Fill in the blanks with has/ have.

17. Priya ____________ a book.   Ans: has

18. Girls ____________ long hair.   Ans: have

I. Now complete the sentences with the correct word form: –

19. He writes____________. (neat)   Ans: neatly

20. The teacher speaks ____________. (clear)   Ans: clearly

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