9th class FA 1 English Question paper with key answer 2024-25. Formative Assessment 1 for class 9. Download Achievement test 1 for 9th class.
In this post we are going to discuss 9th class English FA question papers with answers. This FA 1 test paper is of 20 marks of Second Language English.
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Subject: English
Class: 9th
Medium: Kannada
State: Karnataka
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Sub-topic: FA 1 Question paper with key
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9th class FA 1 English Question paper with key answer
Subject : English Achievement Test : 01 Marks : 20
Class : 9th Formative Assessment 1 Time : 45 minutes
Q.I Do as directed. 6×1=6
1) Choose one syllabled word.
Manhood, December, poor, honest.
2) Fill in the blank with suitable article.
She met ______ European students yesterday.
3) Fill in the blank with correct preposition
He goes _______ Sunday to church.
4) Name the parts of the speech of the underlined word.
The village was destroyed by fire.
a) adjective b) verb c) adverb d) interjection
5) Choose suitable language function.
You should see a doctor if you’re feeling unwell.
a) inviting b) request c) giving advice d) giving warning
6) Choose suitable question tag.
She has finished her homework, _________?
a) hasn’t she b) hasn’t he c) has she d) has he
Q.II Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each. 4×2=8
7) Why did the invisible being laugh at Arjuna?
8) Why did the bearded man swear revenge on the king?
9) How did Upagupta treat the suffering dancing girl?
10) What was Gandhiji’s advice to Aruna?
Q.III Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. 1×3=3
11) “Come and stand up to me and I will kill you.”
a) Who said this?
b) Who was it asked to?
c) Why did he say so?
Q.IV Answer the following question in five to six sentences. 1×3=3
12) Why does the poet place the heart above all else in the poem ‘Gratefulness’?
9th class English FA question papers with answers
Key Answers
9th class FA 1 Key answer
1) poor
2) a
3) on
4) b) verb
5) c) giving advice
6) a) hasn’t she
7) Arjuna shot sharp arrows in the direction of the voice. As the arrows could not do any harm, the invisible being laughed at Arjuna.
8) The king had killed his brother and had seized his property. So the bearded man swore revenge on the king.
9) Upagupta sat by side, took her head on his knees, and gave her water and applied Sandal balm on her body.
10) Gandhiji advised Aruna to surrender and take the price offered for her arrest and use money for the great Indian cause.
11) a) Arjuna said this.
b) It was asked to Yaksha.
c) Because he wanted to avenge the death of his brothers.
12) Of all the organs the heart is the most important one. It helps human being to love others. It wins over everyone. The heart is often associated with feelings of love and compassion. Therefore, the poet place love above all.