Unseen poem for GPSRT exam

Unseen poem for GPSRT exam

Unseen poem for GPSRT exam. How to read unseen poems for KARTET exams? Reading unseen poems for CTET exam. English grammar for GPSTR exam.

In this post we will learn unseen poems question and answer. Read the poem and answer the questions. Reading passages. Reading poems for GPSTR and KARTET exams.

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Unseen poem

Important tricks to read unseen poems:

1. Read the whole poem carefully 2 or 3 times so that you can understand the theme of the poem.

2. After reading the questions, underline the related words of the given poem.

3. Try to write your answer in a simple, easy and in your own words.

4. Write the answer in your own words. Don’t copy the sentence from the given poem.

5. Make meaningful sentences without grammatical mistakes.

1. Read the following extract from the poem ‘It Can Be Done’ written by Anonymous and answer the question that follows.

The man who misses all the fun,

Is he who says, “It can’t be done.”

In solemn pride he stands aloof

And greets each venture with reproof.

Had he the power he’d efface

The history of the human race;

We’d have no radio or motor cars,

No streets lit by electric stars;

No telegraph nor telephone,

We’d linger in the Age of Stone.

The world would sleep if things were run

By men who say “It can’t be done.’’


1) Who misses all the fun?

Ans: The man who says, ‘It can’t be done.’ misses all the fun.

2) Why does the man ‘miss all the fun’?

Ans: The man misses all the fun because he stands alone without getting involved with other people. He also misses the fun during the process of working on new projects and inventions.

3) What would he do if he had the power to do it?

Ans: If he had the power to do it, he would wipe out all the inventions that humans have achieved.

4) What examples of man’s progress have been given in the poem?

Ans: The inventions of the radio, motor car, electric lights, telegraph and the telephone are mentioned in the poem.

5) What should human beings do in order to make progress?

Ans: In order to make progress, human beings should be keeping on inventing and innovating things.

2. Read the following extract from the poem ‘WHY GOD MADE TEACHERS’ written by Kevin William Huff and answer the question that follows.

When God created teachers,

He gave us special guides

To show us ways in which to grow

So we can all decide

How to live and how to do

What’s right instead of wrong,

To lead us so that we can lead

And learn how to be strong.


1. What quality would we develop when teachers guide us?

Ans: When teachers guide us we develop the correct way to decide. We also learn how to live and what is right and wrong.

2. What should we do for our world with the help of our teachers?

Ans: With the help of the teachers we can decide the world in better way to lead. We also learn how to be strong.

3. Read the following extract from the poem ‘FROTH AND BUBBLE’ written by Adam Lindsay Gordon and answer the question that follows.

Question not, but live and labour

Till your goal be won,

Helping every feeble neighbour,

Seeking help from none;

Life is mostly froth and bubble,

Two things stand like stone:

Kindness in another’s trouble,

Courage in your own.


1. According to the poet, what is life?

Ans: According to the poet life is froth and bubble. Because life is also temporary and momentary like forth and bubble.

2. When do the two things stand like stone?

Ans: When somebody is in temple and you show kindness to them. When have trouble the courage you have to face it.

3. What should we do till our goal is won?

Ans: Live and labour. We should live patiently and do our work sincerely. We should not question, until our goal is won.

Watch this video for explanation of Unseen poem for GPSRT exam. How to read unseen poems for KARTET exams. Reading unseen poems for CTET exam. English grammar for GPSTR exam.

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