Unseen passage for GPSRT exam. Reading comprehension for GPSTR exam. reading comprehension passages with questions and answers.
In this post we will learn reading comprehension passages with questions and answers. Reading passage with questions. English grammar for GPSTR exam.
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Unseen passage (Reading Comprehension)
Tips and tricks to read unseen passages:
1) Not reading the questions properly. First read the given questions properly.
2) Directly answering of question without reading passage. It is a big mistake.
3) Answer the Questions in own words. Don’t copy lines from given passage.
4) Spending so much time on a particular question or in reading the passage.
5) Write the answers without grammatical mistakes.
6) Try to understand the meaning of every word in context to the passage.
7) Answer should be in the same tense, in which the question is given.
8) Revise your-answers carefully to avoid any mistake.
9) Most importantly time management should be followed.
Short unseen passage with answers
1. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow: (1 x 5 = 5 Marks)
The culture of divided families is in fashion today. Parents are often heard complaining about the difficulties in bringing up children these days. Too much of freedom in demand, too much independence; overnight parties; excessive extravagance, splurging pocket money; no time for studies and family all this is a common cry of such families. Aren’t parents, themselves, responsible for this pitiful state? The basic need of a growing youth is the family, love, attention and bonding along with moral values. One should not forget that ‘charity begins at home’.
Children, today are to be handled with tact in order to bridge the ever widening generation gap. Only the reasonable demands need to be fulfilled, as there are too many expenses to be met and top many social obligations to be taken care of by the parents. Our forefathers lived happily in joint families. Children loved to live with their cousins, learnt to adjust within means. There was perfect harmony between the generations and never existed the concept of old-age homes. There was deep respect for the family elders and love, care and concern for the youngsters. Even the minor family differences were solved amicably.
Unseen passage with questions for CTET
1. Mention any two major common concerns of a nuclear family.
Ans: Too much independence and no time for studies and family.
2. Who, according to the passage, are responsible for them?
Ans: Parents themselves.
3. Explain the expression ‘charity begins at home’.
Ans: The parent should not forget that it is in giving that one receives.
4. Describe the atmosphere in joint families.
Ans: In joint families, children get a friendly atmosphere and they also learn to adjust within means.
5. Which word in the passage means ‘Holiness of life’?
Ans: Sanctity
Reading passages for gpsrt
2. Read the passage and answer the questions that follow: (1 x 5 = 5 Marks)
Man’s journey of life from childhood to old age is very charming and colourful. Youth is the most exciting period of man’s life when it is time to grow and dream. A young man is full of hope, energy and zeal. Nothing is difficult or impossible or dangerous for him. The old people say that youth is not daring but thoughtless. A young man bums the candle at both ends. He commits mistakes and learns only after burning his finger. Sometimes the young men misuse their freedom and thus invite difficulties by their foolish actions. They are full of strength, energy and enthusiasm. They become rebels and are no longer afraid of facing the forces of realities.
A young man accepts the challenge of evil difficulties and hardships, to win or lose the game of life is the mission of his career. He loves to lead an adventurous life and has a keen desire to build up a new world of his dream. But the period of youth does not last long. Soon it is followed by old age when he regrets his past mistakes and failures. The weak old man feels helpless, depressed and disappointed. He becomes unfit for any adventure. But some fortunate old people never grow old and continue to feel young and active and make the most of even the last years of their lives. It will not be wrong to say that youth brings honour and old age commands respect.
Unseen passage with questions
1. Man’s journey is:
(a) Charming and colourful (b) exciting (c) dangerous
Ans: (a) charming and colourful.
2. What is the opinion of the old people about the young men?
Ans: The old people say that youth is not daring but thoughtless.
3. What is the mission of a young man’s career?
Ans: To win or lose the game of life is the mission of his, career.
4. Why does the old man feel helpless and disappointed?
Ans: He feels helpless and disappointed because he becomes unfit for any adventure.
5. Find the antonym of ‘clever’ from the passage.
Ans: Foolish.
Watch this video for explanation of Unseen passage for GPSRT exam. Reading comprehension for GPSTR exam.