Types of Sentences in English grammar. Examples for assertive sentence, interrogative sentence, imperative sentence and exclamatory sentence.
In this post we are learning 4 kinds of sentences. Examples for 4 kinds of English sentences. How many types of sentences in English grammar?
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4 kinds of sentences
There are four different types of sentences. Each has a different use. Consider these sentences:
1.They are our students.
2.Are you reading now?
3.Be here at 4 O’clock!
4.Oh, they are already here!
The first simply states something. It is an example of a sentence that is a statement. The second asks a question and an example of a sentence that is a question. The third issues a command. It is an example of a sentence that is a command. The fourth states something but with a strong sense of surprise, joy or alarm. It is an example of a sentence that is an exclamation.
The four types of simple sentences are:
1. Declarative Sentences
2. Interrogative Sentences
3. Imperative Sentences
4. Exclamatory Sentences
1. Declarative Sentences:
Meaning: A declarative sentences tells about something. It ends with a full stop. It is also called assertive sentence.
1. My father’s name is Manjappa.
2. I’m watching Kannada movie now.
3. Ramesh was late to come.
4. Kiran is preparing for exam.
5. I would rather have vanilla ice cream than chocolate.
2. Interrogative Sentences:
Meaning: A interrogative sentences asks something. It ends with a ?
1. Who is your favourite actor?
2. Why are you looking at me?
3. Was he watching that serial?
4. How are you eating that dish?
5. Is it your mobile?
3. Imperative Sentences:
Meaning: A imperative sentences tells someone to do something. It ends with a .
1. Complete these by tomorrow.
2. Be nice to your friends.
3. Shut the door!
4. Please pass the gravy.
5. Be there by 5:00.
4. Exclamatory Sentences:
Meaning: A exclamatory sentences shows strong feeling. It ends with a !
1. Oh! I forgot about the meeting.
2. We’re are going to the holiday, Yippee!
3. Wait for me!
4. What a goal that was!
5. How wonderful she is!
Watch this video for the explanation of Types of Sentences in English grammar.