Two Gentlemen of Verona question and answer

Two Gentlemen of Verona question and answer

Two Gentlemen of Verona question and answer for class 11. We explained notes of the lesson Two Gentlemen of Verona for first PUC.

In this post we have explained Two Gentlemen of Verona questions and answers. We also have discussed Two Gentlemen of Verona notes for PUC first.

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Two Gentlemen of Verona question and answer for class 11

Comprehension: I

1. Where does the narrator first meet the two boys?

Ans: The narrator first meets on the outskirts of Verona.

2. Why doesn’t the driver approve of the narrator buying fruit from the two boys? Does he succeed?

Ans: The driver Luigi stopped the speaker that they would get fruits much better in Verona. Finally, they bought the biggest basket of fruits.

3. List the different things the boys did to earn their living.

Ans: The boys were selling wild strawberries, bright scarlet berries that looked delicious against the dark- green leaves lining the wicker basket.

4. In spite of working hard and earning money, the two boys still looked poor because.

a) They were saving money to go to America.

b) They had other plans.

c) Wanted had other plans.

Ans: (a) They were saving money to go to America.

5. What qualities in the two boys attracted the narrator?

Ans: The two boys proved extremely useful to us. If they wanted a pack of American cigarettes, or seats for the opera, or the name of a good restaurant that could provide good ravioli, Nicola and Jacopo could be relied upon to satisfy our needs, with their usual cheerful competence. Thus they made an attraction to the narrator.

6. Nicola was not pleased when Jacopo asked the narrator to drive them to Poleta as he

(a) Did not want a stranger to become involved with their plans.

(b) Preferred going to Poleta by train so that he could enjoy the scenery.

(c) Did not want to ask anyone for favours.

(d) Did not want to take help from someone he did not know well. Ans: (d) Did not want to take help from someone he did not know well.

notes of the lesson Two Gentlemen of Verona for first PUC

7. Why did the two boys go to Poleta and why did they want the narrator not to follow them?

Ans: They went to Poleta to look tip on their sister who was undergoing medical treatment and also to make payment for her treatment. They did not want the narrator to follow, because they did nQf want to disturb him and involve him in their trouble.

8. The narrator did not follow the boys because

a) He was not invited to join them.

b) He was not interested in knowing what the boys were up to.

c) He wanted to respect their privacy.

Ans: (c) He wanted to respect their privacy.

9. What had made the two boys and their sisters homeless?

Ans: Their father was killed in the war and a bomb had destroyed their home and they became homeless.

10. What does the narrator learn from Lucia’s nurse?

Ans: He learnt that the two boys had a wealthy background but they were right then in financial trouble but also knew from Lucia that they were adventurous great human beings and selfless who will do anything for their sister.

11. The author did not speak to the boys on their return journey because he thought

(a) the boys Would prefer to keep their secret.

(b) the boys were ashamed of their sister’s condition.

(c) they wouldn’t tell him the truth.

(d) the boys might ask him for money for their sister’s treatment. Ans: (a) the boys would prefer to keep their secret.

Questions and answers from Two Gentlemen of Verona

Comprehension: II

1. In what different ways were the boys useful to the narrator?

Ans: The boys were very useful for the narrator. When the narrator wanted a pack of American cigarettes or seats for the opera, or the name of good restaurant, they were always there in all these needs with cheerful competence. They had also taken the author on a guided tour to the different places of interest at Verona including Juliet’s tomb.

2. What do you understand about the boys’ character from their action and behaviour?

Ans: They boy’s character and behaviour prove that they were selfless, sentimental, adventurous, hardworking, do not involve others in their troubles, do not expect sympathy of others, responsible for their sister, sharing work with each other, never complained their difficulties, optimistic and suitable for the title of the lesson “Two Gentlemen of Verona”.

3. The boys are evasive in disclosing their plan to the narrator in the story because

(a) they thought he could never understand their plight.

(b) they did not want to share their problem with a stranger.

(c) they did not want to gain anybody’s sympathy.

Ans: (c) they did not want to gain anybody’s sympathy.

Comprehension: III

1. Do you think that the ending comes as a surprise to you? Why?

Ans: Yes, I think that the ending comes as a surprise to me. Their hard working ways seem like that the boys were greedy, but the inner truth reveals their grit and never say – die attitude. They were really extraordinary’ human beings. The burden of responsibility to their sister treatment never made them bend under its weight or forsake it They were not even sharing their hardships and pain, with others.

Important questions from Two Gentlemen of Verona

2. Had you been in the place of the narrator, would you have behaved differently?

Ans: Had I been in the place of the narrator. I would have definitely acted in a different manner. The narrator wanted to respect their personal feelings and did not intrude upon their privacy I would have felt like helping them in some way or the other. I would have either asked them directly the reason why they worked so hard and elicit the answers or I would have financially helped them with whatever I could spare.

3. “Appearances are deceptive”. How does the story bring out this idea?

Ans: The narrator had assumed that the boys were greedy, based on his observation of them working. very hard. But nobody can really know or understand the reality by outward appearance only. The narrator had erred in his judgement of the nature of the boys, by seeing the extent of their hard work and thinking that they may be planning to save a lot if money and go to the United States. Finally, after the visit to Poleta and knowing the truth, he realised their real qualities. So, one should not get prejudiced by the outward appearance without knowing the background facts.

Two Gentlemen of Verona notes for class 11

4. War may destroy one’s home but not one’s heart. Discuss the statement with reference to the story of the two boys.

Ans: War is the element of mass destruction. But, it can only destroy the physical structures like houses, buildings and of course it can never crush the spirit of the survivors, as in the case of the boys, Jacopo and Nicola. They had lost everything in the war including their father and their house. But, their indomitable spirit, toughens them to face the situation bravely, do their might in the freedom struggle and later take care of their sister’s treatment by their hard work and determination.

5. Do you think the story is a telling comment on the true character of a gentleman?


The boys were truly ‘gentlemen’, very refined and sensitive in character. They were devoted to their sister, and in order to earn money for her treatment undertook all kinds of jobs available in Verona. This shows that they did not consider any job below their dignity.  They did not discuss their problems with anyone. Even when the narrator took them to the hospital, they went in by themselves and did not speak-to him about their sister. The boys prove to be every inch gentlemen, and gain respect from the narrator.

Watch this video for the explanation of Two Gentlemen of Verona question and answer for class 11.

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