The Concert lesson notes

The Concert lesson notes

The Concert lesson notes for SSLC students. Here we will discuss The Concert lesson questions and answers. 2 marks, 3 marks extract questions and multiple choice questions of the lesson The Concert are discussed here.

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The Concert lesson notes. These are the important questions and answers from the lesson The Concert. Very useful for SSLC exam.

2 marks questions:

The Concert lesson notes. Here we will study 2 marks questions and answers of the lesson The Concert.

Answer the following questions in 5 – 6 sentences each.

1)Why do you think the response of the artists was unusual ? (SSLC Exam 24. 09. 2020)

Ans: Artists Pandit RaviShankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were great wizards of music. They were always busy. Smita went to the concert and requested them to perform for the boy. They agreed and played for Anant. So the response of the artists was unusual.

2) Why do you consider Anant a talented boy?  (SSLC Exam 1. 4. 2020)

Ans: Anant was definitely a talented boy. He was the best table tennis player in the school and the fastest runner. He was learning to play sitar and was already able to compose. Anant was expert in all thingS than his sister.

3) Why was Smita exited when she read the newspaper? Why do you think her mother cautioned her to be quiet?   (Series Exam 2019)

Ans: Smita was excited because she read an announcement in the papers that Pandith Ravi Shankar was going to play at the Shanmukhananda Auditorium the next day. Smita’s brother who was lying on the bed was very sick, so her mother cautioned her to be quiet.

4) Why did Smita and her family come to Bombay? Who did they stay with their? (Preparatory Exam 2018)

Ans: Smita’s brother, Anant had been struck with cancer. They had come to Bombay so that he could be treated at the cancer hospital in the city. They stayed with aunt Sushila.

5) ‘They had come with high hopes.’ What hopes did Anant’s parents have?

Ans: Anant’s parents had high hopes in the miracle of modern science. They thought that he would be cured. Then he could walk and run again.

6) What did the doctors say to Anant’s parents? Were they words of hope or despair?

Ans: The doctors asked Anant’s parents to take him home and to give him whatever he liked. Anant’s condition had become worse and the parents realized that he had not many days to live.

7) What was Smita’s plan to help brother? Was she successful?  (Model QP 2019)

Ans: Smita’s plan was to request Pandith Ravi Shankar to play for her brother. Her plan was successful, because they were agreed to play for her brother.

8) How did Pandith Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha keep their promise to Smita? (Model QP 2020)

Ans: After listening to Smita’s story about her brother, Pandith Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were promised to play for the boy. The next day they arrived at Smita’s house. They sat down on the divan by the window and played for the boy.

9) What was the daring thought that came to Smita?  (Preparatory Exam 2018)

Ans: When Smita was in the park she had a daring thought. The daring thought was to requesting the music wizard to come home to play Sitar for Anant. Because it was the chance of a lifetime for Anant. He had not many days to live.

10) In the course of the story ‘The Concert’, whom do you consider to be more worried, Smita or Anant?  (Model QP 2020)

Ans: In the story, Smita was more worried than others. Though attending the concert was a chance of lifetime, she could not enjoy it completely because Anant was not with her. She was always thinking how to fulfil Anant’s wish.

11) ‘Where there is will, there is way’. How is this saying apt for Smita? (Model QP 2020)

Ans: Smita and Anant had done things together. Now Anant was ill and could not accompany Smita to the music concert. She went to the concert with her father. She also gathered courage to request Panditji to come to her house and play for Anant. It was unbelievable for everyone. Thus we can justify that ‘Where there is will, there is way’ is apt for Smita.

12) Why do you think that Smitha and Ravi Shankar deserve the appreciation of readers?  (Model QP 2020)

Ans : Anant was suffering from cancer. Smita wanted her brother to listen to Ravi Shankar’s music. So, she approached Ravi Shankar and requested him to play sitar for her brother. Artists Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were great wizards of music. They were always busy. But agreed to perform for the boy. Thus Smitha and Ravi Shankar deserve our appreciation.

3 marks extract questions of The concert lesson:

The Concert lesson notes. Here we will learn extract questions and answers of the lesson The Concert.

Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.

1. “We mustn’t miss the chance.”

a) Who said this?

Ans: Anant

b) What chance did he not want to miss?

Ans: The chance was to attend Pandit Ravi Shankar’s concert.

c) Why did the speaker think so?

Ans: Because he had not many days to live.

2. “I must hear him and see him.”

a) Who is ‘I’ referred here?

Ans: Anant

b) Who did he want to see?

Ans: Pandit Ravi Shankar

c) What did he want to hear?

Ans: Pandit Ravi Shankar’s music.

3. “It’s the chance of a life time, he was saying.” (SSLC exam April 2019)

a) Who said this?

Ans: Anant

b) What was the chance?

Ans: Attending Pandit Ravi Shankar’s concert.

c) Why was he not able to go the concert?

Ans: Because he was suffering from cancer.

4. “They had come with high hopes.”

a) Who does they refer to?

Ans: Smita and her family members.

b) What high hopes did they have?

Ans: Anant would be cured of cancer. He would again walk and run.

c) Why were their hopes not fulfilled?

Ans: Anant’s condition grew worse. He had not many days to live.

5. “Take him home, Give him the things he likes, indulge him.”

a) Who said this?

Ans: The doctow who treated Anant.

b) Who does ‘him’ refer to?

Ans: Anant

c) Why did the speaker say so?

Ans: Anant’s condition grew worse. He had not many days to live.

6. “But they did not voice their fears.”

a) Who does ‘they’ refer to?

Ans: Anant’s parents

b) What was their fear?

Ans: Anant had not many days to live.

c) How did they look after him?

Ans: They laughed, talked and surrounded him with whatever made him happy.

7. “Suddenly a daring thought came to her.”

a) Where was the speaker when she got a daring thought?

Ans: In the park

b) Who does ‘her’ refer to?

Ans: Smita

c) What was her daring thought?

Ans: She planned to meet Pandit Ravi Shankar and request him to come her house and play for Anant.

8. “There is no harm in trying it.”

a) Who said these words?

Ans: Smita

b) What is ‘it’ referred here?

Ans: A plan to meet Pandit Ravi Shankar and request him to come her house and play for Anant.

c) What was the result of her attempt?

Ans: Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha agreed to perform for the boy.

9. “Enjoy yourself, lucky you.”

a) Who said this?

Ans: Anant

b) Who does ‘yourself’ refer to?

Ans: Smita

c) Why is she lucky?

Ans: Because she was going to attend the concert.

10. “Panditji is a busy man. You must not bother him with such a request.”

a) Who said these words?

Ans: The mostachioed man.

b) Who made a request?

Ans: Smita

c) What was the request?

Ans: She requested Pandit Ravi Shankar to come her house and play for Anant.

11. “Tomorrow morning we perform for the boy.”

a) Who does ‘we’ refer to?

Ans: Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha.

b) Who requested them to perform for the boy?

Ans: Smita

c) Why did she request them to play for the boy?

Ans: Anant was suffering from cancer. It was his last wish.

12. “Did you hear him? He asked.”

a) Who asked this question?

Ans: Anant

b) Who is ‘him’ referred here?

Ans: Pandit Ravi Shankar

c) What reply did the speaker get?

Ans: Smita to told that she met Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha and they agreed to come to play for Anant.

13. “I spoke to him and he will come tomorrow morning.”

a) Who is ‘I’ referred here?

Ans: Smita

b) Who did the speaker speak to?

Ans: Pandit Ravi Shankar

c) What did she speak to him about?

Ans: About Anant’s condition and his last wishes.

14. “They could not believe their eyes.”

a) Who does ‘they’ refer to?

Ans: to the neighbours of aunt Sushila.

b) What they could not believe?

Ans: Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha came to their apartment.

c) Why they could not believe?

Ans: Because Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were very busy men. But they came to common people house.

15. “A walk in the park might make you feel better.”

a) Who said this and to whom?

Ans: Aunt Sushila said this to Smita.

b) Why did the speaker suggest this?

Ans: Because Smita was crying, knowing the condition of Anant.

c) How did Smita react to it?

Ans: Smita agreed and went to the park.

Multiple choice questions of the concert lesson:

The Concert lesson notes. Here we will discuss multiple choice questions and answers of the lesson The Concert.

1.Why was Anant sleeping on the bed?

a) He was busy

b) He was fuffering from cancer

c) He was very lazy

d) He was tired

2.What was the life chance of Anant?

a) To visit aunt Sushila’s house

b) To participate in tournament

c) To attend Pandit Ravishankar’s concert

d) None of these

3.What did the doctor advise Anant’s parents?

a) Take him home and indulge him

b) He is all right

c) The boy is very intelligent

d) The boy is out of danger now

4.How do you say that Anant was a talented boy?

a) He was fastest runner, table tennys player and compose his own tunes

b) By his marks card

c) By his own words

d) By his teachers’ feedback

5.What frightening truth had known to Smita?

a) Anant will attend the concert

b) Anant will become like earlier

c)Anant was going to die of cancer

d) None of these

6.What daring thought came to Smita?

a) To meet Pandit Ravishankar and invite for Anant

b) She wanted to take Anant to the concert

c) She wanted to ignore the concert

d) None of these

7.In which auditorium was the concert arranged?

a)  Vivekanand auditorium

b) Shanmukhanand auditorium

c) Anand auditorium

d) Shivanand auditorium

8.Where did Anant’s family live in Bombay?

a) Aunt Sushila’s apartment

b) Aunt Neeta’s apartment

c) Aunt Sharada’s apartment

d) Aunt Sangeeta’s apartment

Watch this video to learn The Concert lesson notes.

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