The Boy Who Asked for More questions and answers for class 8. Notes of the lesson The Boy Who Asked for More. 8th class English notes.
In this post we are going to learn The Boy Who Asked for More question and answer for 8th standard students. Question and answer from The Boy Who Asked for More.
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8th class second language English lesson 4 The Boy Who Asked for More notes and question and answer
The Boy Who Asked for More
Questions and answers for 8th class
C1. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner.
1. Where was Oliver Twist Born?
Answer: Oliver Twist was born in the poor house of a little town in the winter of 1837.
2. Who was present when Oliver was born?
Answer: When Oliver was born, the doctor was present, who was hastily called for the purpose.
3. What happened to the mother as soon as the child was born?
Answer: As soon as the child was born, mother was died.
4. What dis the mother look like while she was alive?
Answer: The mother was young and good looking woman while she was alive.
5. Who was Mr. Bumble?
Answer: Mr. Bumble was a town beadle, he had full authority over the people of the poor house.
6. How did Mr. Bumble treat the children?
Answer: Mr. Bumble starved and ill-treated the children under his care.
7. What did Oliver’s friends want him to ask the master?
Answer: Oliver’s friends persuaded him to ask for more food.
C2. Answer the following questions and share your responses with your partner.
1. How were the children fed in the house? Answer: The children were fed in a large stone hall, with a big metal basin at one end. The master served each child with a small bowl of watery gruel. Boys have very good appetites and the food given them was not sufficient.
kseeb solutions for class 8 english chapter 4 the boy who asked for more
2. Why was a council held by the boys? What did they decide in it?
Answer: A council was held because the boys were not fed enough in the poor house. The bigger boy said that unless he had an extra bowl of gruel, he would certainly eat the boy who slept next to him. The decision of the council was that Oliver Twist walks up to the master and to ask for more food.
3. What did Oliver ask his master for?
Answer: Oliver had the bowl in his hand and stood in front of the master and asked, Please Sir, I want some more”.
4. How did the master react to the request of Oliver?
Answer: The master turned pale and shouted ‘what’ as if he could not believe his ears. When Oliver repeated his request, the master hit him, seized him by his arms, and shouted for the beadle.
5. What was the punishment that Oliver got asking for more?
Answer: The master aimed a blow at his head, seized him by his arms, and called Mr. Bumble. Mr. Bumble came and Oliver was immediately locked in a room to spend the night alone. That was the punishment for Oliver for asking more food.
6. What did Mr. Bumble ultimately decide to do with Oliver?
Answer: Mr. Bumble ultimately decided that Oliver was to be thrown out of the poorhouse. So he announced, offering a reward of 5 pounds to any man or woman who would take Oliver Twist from that poorhouse.
7. What was Oliver’s crime, according to Mr. Bumble?
Answer: According to Mr. Bumble, it was an offense to ask more food being an orphan. He considered that how dare he was to ask, and it tempted a lot.
Notes of The Boy Who Asked for More
C3. Read and discuss your responses with your partner. Then write.
1. Briefly explain the circumstances under which Oliver Twist was born.
Answer: Oliver’s mother was a young, good looking woman. She was found lying in the street. It appeared she had walked a long distance before she came there. She was shifted into the poor – house. Oliver was born on a dark, cold night in the winter of 1837. An old woman helped the doctor at the time of Oliver’s birth. Oliver’s mother died as soon as he was born.
2. How can you say that Oliver’s mother was a poor woman?
Answer: Oliver’s mother was a young, good looking woman. She was found lying in the street of a small country town. Her shoes had been torn to pieces. No one knew where she had come from, or where she had been going.
3. What kind of a man was Mr. Bumble?
Answer: Mr. Bumble was a town beadle, he had full authority over the people of the poor house. Mr bumble starved and ill-treated the children under his care.
4. Why were the boys always hungry?
Answer: The boys were not fed enough in the poorhouse. Boys have good appetites. They were all always hungry.
5. How did the children plan to satisfy their hunger?
Answer: The children held a council. The decision of the council was that Oliver Twist was to walk up to the master and to ask for more.
6. What was the result of Oliver’s request for more food?
Answer: The master punished Oliver with a blow to his head. Mr. Bumble locked him up in a room for the night. Both of them felt that asking for more food was Oliver’s crime.
The Boy Who Asked for More question and answer for 8th standard students
7. Why did Mr. Bumble get a notice posted outside the gate?
Answer: According to Mr. Bumble it was an offense to ask more food being an orphan and ultimately decided that Oliver was to throw off the poorhouse. So he announced offering a reward of 5 pounds to any man and woman who would take Oliver Twist form the poorhouse.
Notes of The Boy Who Asked for More:
8. Sum up Oliver’s birth and his life in the poor house.
Answer: Oliver was born on a dark, cold winter night in the poor house of a small town. His mother died immediately after giving birth. They took him into the poorhouse, where Mr. Bumble named him Oliver Twist. The people in charge ill-treated and starved him and the other children in that house. They never gave them enough food, and the children were always hungry. By the time Oliver reached eight years old, he had grown into a thin, pale boy. No one ever treated him kindly, and he longed for kindness, compassion, and love.
9. Briefly narrate the events that led to Oliver being locked up in a room.
Answer: The children in the poor house were not fed properly. Mr. Bumble was ill-treating them. At mealtime, a small bowl of watery gruel was given to the children. They were always hungry and wanted more food. All the boys appointed Oliver to go to the master after supper and ask for more food. When Oliver requested more gruel, he got wild and hit him hard. The master complained to Mr. Bumble about Oliver’s crime. Mr. Bumble became angry and he locked up Oliver in a room for the night.
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