SSLC Question bank 6 for 10th class exam preparation. We have discussed important study material for 10th standard students.
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SSLC Question bank 6 for 10th class exam
Q.I Answer the following questions in 2 – 3 sentences each.
1. The doctors at the Divine Multi Specialty hospital admitted Roma without any formalities. What made them to do so?
Answer: When Roma was brought to the hospital, the doctors saw the extent of her injuries, her condition was critical. So the doctors admitted her without any paper work.
2. Why do you think the Americans wanted to buy Don Anselmo’s land?
Answer: The little creek ran through the land of Don Anselmo. His orchard was gnarled and beautiful. So the Americans wanted to buy Don Anselmo’s land.
3. The artists visiting Anant was unusual. Explain briefly.
Answer: Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustab Allah Rakha were great musicians. They were busy people, They were kind and sympathetic. They visited Anant’s home and played for him.
4. Why did super powers meet in Geneva? What conclusion did they come to?
Answer: The three super powers wanted to came to an agreement, putting a ban on the nuclear weapon test. They met Geneva to discuss the problems that could arise as a result. They arrived at unanimous decision which resulted in the formulation of Nuclear Test Ban.
5. How does the Jazz player change as he plays on the saxophone?
Answer: As the Jazz player starts to play on the saxophone he is no longer an old Black man. He produces wonderful music and appears to be like bird flying higher and higher.
6. How do you know that Mohan’s mother was supportive of their struggle?
Answer: When Suman and their friend brought the cyclostyle machine, she asked them to keep it in the Puja room. When the sub Inspector came in initially, she acted as if everything was normal and nothing revolutionary took place at their home.
most expected questions and answers for SSLC exam
7. What helped Dicky take up mountaineering?
Answer: She had always been fascinated by mountains. She always had an urge to climb the peaks that surrounded her home. This helped her to take up mountaineering.
8. The absence of mother from home taught the children something. What was that?
Answer: They got up early on their own and got ready for school, even do their work independently. They learnt that one’s duty is very important to come up in life.
9. What did the third monster warn Wangjia? How did Wangjia respond?
Answer: The third monster warned Wangjia that if he refused to bring Bhima’s eye balls, he would gouge out his eyeballs, Wangjia responded as no one had right to destroy a pretty girl’s eyes.
Q.II Answer the following questions in 5 – 6 sentences each.
10. How did the fourteenth amendment of the American constitution influence on Ambedkar?
Answer: The 14th amendment to the U.S.A constitution gave freedom to the Black Americans. He saw the parallel of the situation for the depressed class in India. So he decided to devote his life and talent for the depressed classes.
11. When the captain shouted ‘we are lost’ how did his daughter react?
Answer: The captain had lost all hopes that they would be saved. His little daughter was calm. She held his hand and gently asked if god protected them on land would he not protect them when they were on the ocean.
Q.III Answer the following question in about 8 – 10 sentences:
12. Summarize the conversation between the poet and the Mother India in the poem ‘Song of India’.
SSLC English question bank
Answer: The poem ‘The Song of India’ is written by V.K.Gokak. The poet wanted to sing about the Himalayas, three seas and golden rays of sun. But mother India wishes him to sing about beggar and leaper. The poet wished to sing about temples, soldiers, seers and prophets. Mother India asked him to sing about old, ignorant and helpless children. The poet wants to sing about dams and lakes, steel mills, ship building yards and atomic age. But she forces him to sing about struggle of the past and present and also about class war. Finally, the poem ends with optimistic view, motherland sitting on the waves incarnating the supreme power to write the destiny of our nation.
13. Write the substance of the poem I am the land.
Answer: In the poem, I am the land the poet depicts the mother earth as the speaker. Mother earth tells that she waits with patience when people claim that the land belongs to them. They occupy the land, plough, plant trees, grow fruits and grass. The children dance and play on the land. The land bears everything without a complaint. The soldiers come with guns fighting for the land. People build fences on the land to divide nations which suffocates like chains in her neck. But mother earth mocks at the people’s behavior with a tone of self-assertion.
most expected questions and answers for SSLC exam
14. “Grandma Climbs a Tree” is a poem about a son’s care. Justify.
Answer:The poem ‘Grandma Climbs a Tree’ is written by Ruskin Bond. He calls his grandmother as “genius” because she could climb a tree. Even at the age of 62, she was passionate to climb a tree and learnt it from her loving brother at the age of six. Everybody feared that granny would fall from a tree one day.
One day she climbed a tree but could not come down. After the rescue the doctor recommended her rest for a week. But for granny it was like brief season in hell. She demanded a house to be built in a tree. The poets father who was dutiful, fulfilled his mother’s wish, so that granny moved up and enjoyed as her wish.
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