SSLC Question Bank 2 with Key Answers

SSLC Question Bank 2 with Key Answers

SSLC Question Bank 2 with Key Answers. You can download these questiona and answers in pdf. Most expected questions for SSLC exam.

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I. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each.

1. Swami’s father drew his attention to a report in the newspaper. What was the report about?

Ans: The report was about a boy who while returning home fought with a tiger. He stayed half a day on the tree till some people came and killed the tiger.

2. Baleshwar had a good memory, do you agree with this? Give examples to support it?

Ans: Yes, he had good memory. He was able to remember the phone number of Roma’s brother given by Roma and contact him to inform about the accident.

3. How do you say that Don Anselmo was generous?

Ans: Don Anselmo was generous. Because he was a man of principles. He refused to take the extra money offered by the Americans for his land.

4. Ambedkar was a voracious reader. Explain.

Ans: Ambedkar was very fond of reading books. He bought books by curtailing his daily needs. When he was in New York he purchased 2000 old books and from London 32 boxes of books. This shows that he was voracious reader.

5. What was the daring thought that came to Smita?

Ans: When Smita was in the park she had a daring thought. The daring thought was to requesting the music wizard to come home to play Sitar for Anant. Because it was the chance of a lifetime for Anant. He had not many days to live.

6. What effect did the books he read have on Satish?

Ans: Books made him feel depressed and left a deep impression on his sensitive mind. He came to know that there was so much suffering in the world.

7. More than the natural beauty what does mother India want the poet to sing about?

Ans: The mother India wants the poet to sing about beggars and leapers who filled the street. And also about filth and dirt all around us.

8. Write physical appearance of Jazz player.

Ans: The Jazz player has a wrinkled old face. His face is unshaven and has a tired look. He has led a hard life. He is tired and keeps his head down.

9. Why did father want Swami to sleep alone in the office room?

Ans: Because he wanted Swami to leave sleeping beside his granny like a baby, to develop good habit and to prove his courage.

10. The doctors at the Divine Multi Specialty hospital admitted Roma without any formalities. What made them to do so?

Ans: When Roma was brought to the hospital, the doctors saw the extent of her injuries, her condition was critical. So the doctors admitted her without any paper work.

11. What did the Americans discover after the survey?

Ans: After the survey, the Americans discovered that Don Anselmo owns more than eight acres of land which extends across the river.

12. What were Dr.Ambedkar’s idea / perception of the three pillars of state?

Ans: Dr.Ambedkar had a clear idea about mutuality of the three pillars of state. He said that the jurisdiction of each should be clear and untrammeled. He had sense of the importance of the sole of citizen.

13. Why do you think the response of the artists was unusual?

Ans: Artists Pandit RaviShankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were great wizards of music. They were always busy. Smita went to the concert and requested them to perform for the boy. They agreed and played for Anant. So the response of the artists was unusual.

14. How did Satish meet an accident?

Ans: On a holiday in Kashmir. Satish had gone hiking with his father and brother. As they were crossing rickets bridge over some rapids. Satish looked at down at the rushing waters. His foot slipped and losing his balance he fell into the rapids.

15. How did the poet wish to describe the industrial progress of India?

Ans: The poet wished to sing about dams, lakes, the steel mills and about ship building yards. He also wished to sing about men who had worked hard to develop technologies, which made our country top in the Atomic Age. 

16. Why did Jazz player stand like a black Ancient Mariner?

Ans: Jazz player is an old man. He had suffered a lot in his life. His mind filled with the worries of life. So he stood like a black Ancient Mariner.

17. What comment did Swami make when he heard the newspaper report?

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Ans: Swami felt that it was not possible for a boy to fight a tiger and it must have been a strong and grown up person who had done this.

18. “Take the girl to Airoli,” suggested the cop. But Baleshwar disagreed. Why did he do so?

Ans: Baleshwar disagreed to take Roma to Airoli, because Airoli was at least 10 kilometers away. Baleshwar thought that he had to go to the nearest hospital for the treatment of Roma.

19. How do you say that Don Anselmo was generous?

Ans: Don Anselmo was generous. Because he was a man of principles. He refused to take the extra money offered by the Americans for his land.

20. What is the significant observation of Dr. Ambedkar on the constitution?

Ans: The constitution is a fundamental document which defines the power of the executive and legislature as against the citizens. The other purpose of constitution is to limit their authority to avoid tyranny and oppression.

21. Why did Smita and her family come to Bombay? Who did they stay with their?

Ans: Smita’s brother, Anant had been struck with cancer. They had come to Bombay so that he could be treated at the cancer hospital in the city. They stayed with aunt Sushila.

22. Many schools refused to take in Satish. How did it affect him?

Ans: Satish became very moody after he was rejected by the school. He could not talk freely to others. His brother Inder sat for hours with him teaching him words and pronunciation. Satish began to avoid going out to play with the other children.

23. What kind of song did he finally want to sing?

Ans: The poet finally wished to sing whole heartedly a song which was pure and stainless, a song which would not disappear into nothingness.

24. What was the special gift possessed by the Jazz player? How does it change his feelings?

Ans: When the Jazz player plays music, suddenly he filled with a new life. There is power in his music which draws people to listen. He forgets all pain and flies like a bird.

25. Why had the students been marching? How was it an unusual march?

Ans: The students were marching to protest against the British rule, and to give notice to the collector. It was unusual march. Because they marched silently and there were no slogans and no shouts.

26. How does inspector Patil help Mohan and his family?

Ans: Patil, the sub- inspector came to Mohan’s house to give a warning about British officer’s raid and to ask cyclostyle machine. He wanted to help teacher’s family. So he took away that machine.

27. How did Dicky Dolma face hardship and challenges in her early life?

Ans: Dicky Dolma lost her mother at the age of 11. She lost her elder brother too. These experiences have left a profound impact on her.

28. How has Dolma described her preparedness for the task of scaling Mount Everest?

Ans: From the childhood she was exposed to the hardship of life. She had always been fascinated by mountains. She joined the mountaineering Institute in Manali for training course. Her determination and hard work saw her scoring A grade.

29. How was life for Haneef always ‘ekdam bindas.’?

Ans: Haneef dabbled in art. Sketched very well. He made beautiful cards out of waste material. He reads books and loved playing the drums.

30. What did Haneef chose as his mission? Why did he do so?

Ans: Haneef chose his mission as Soldier. He knew that life for him was short. He wanted to serve the nation. Therefore, he joined Indian Army as a soldier.

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