SSLC Question bank

SSLC Question bank

SSLC Question bank 1 with key answer. You can download pdf notes of this question bank for class 10th. These questions are very important for SSLC exam.

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Question bank with key answers for SSLC:

I. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each.

1. Why were congratulations showered on Swami the next day?

Ans: Because he had caught the notorious house breaker of the district and helped the police. So congratulations showered on Swami.

2)  Why did Baleshwar revisit the spot where Roma had fallen?

Ans: Baleshwar revisited the spot where Roma had fallen to look for Roma’s belongings. Her brother said that her cell phone and hand bag were missing.

3. Why do you think Don Anselmo did not sell the trees in the orchard?

Ans: Don Anselmo planted a tree for every born child and so the trees in the orchard belongs to the children of Rio-en-Medio.

4. How did Dr.Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi try to wipe out caste discrimination from India?

Ans: Gandhiji remained the higher castes of their duty towards the depressed classes. Ambedkar remained the depressed classes of their inherent rights to equality with the higher castes.

5. Why do you consider Anant a talented boy?

Ans: Anant was definitely a talented boy. He was the best table tennis player in the school and the fastest runner. He was learning to play sitar and was already able to compose. He was expert in all thingS than his sister.

6. Columbus is always furious when he hears the drunken seamen’s song. What makes him react so?

Ans: Columbus is always furious when he hears the drunken seamen’s song. Because the sailors were singing the song to protest against Columbus.

7. How did the beautiful bird inspire Satish?

Ans: It was a beautiful bird with a longish tail and a black crest. It was full of energy. Its eyes moving here and there and its whole body seemed ever ready for flight.

8. Why did super powers meet in Geneva? What conclusion did they come to?

Ans: The three super powers wanted to came to an agreement, putting a ban on the nuclear weapon test. They arrived at unanimous decision which resulted in the formulation of Nuclear Test Ban.

9. How does the poet Marina de Bellagenta express the feelings of the land?

Ans: The poet tells that the mother earth has ocean of patience. People do many activities and disturbs the land. Chainlink necklace chokes and suffocates her. But the land’s self assertion is that man cannot put fence around the planet earth.

10. What did the poet want to sing about the glorious past of his country?

Ans: The poet wanted to sing about the rock cut temples, which tells the stories of our epics. He also wished to sing about freedom fighters and about sages and prophets who showed us straight and narrow path.

11. What message does the Jazz player want to convey?

Ans: The Jazz player wants to convey to the world that he is a Black man. He came to preach the Black Gospel of Jazz.

12. State the reason for the poet to say” Calendars’ and clocks’ are useless in space?

Ans: In space, there would be no night and day nor there a change of seasons. So there would be no need for any calendar or clock.

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II. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.

13. “Congratulations were showered on Swami next day.

a) Why did Swami have so much of praise?

Ans: He had bitten a notorious house breaker.

b) Who were the persons congratulate him?

Ans: His classmates, teachers, headmaster and the police.

c) Do you think he deserved the praise?

Ans: Swami had bitten the burglar out of fright. He was not really hero.

14. “I can’t imagine what would have happened if Baleshwar hadn’t been there.

a) Who does ‘I’ refer to here?

Ans: Roma Talreja

b) Who rescued her?

Ans: Baleshwar Mishra

c) What would have happened if Baleshwar had not been there?

Ans: She would have bled to death on the tracks alone.

15. “We have made a discovery.

a) What did they discover?

Ans: Don Anselmo owns more than eight acres of land.

b) What was the result of the discovery?

Ans: They offered Don Anselmo double the price of what he had quoted earlier.

c) Who does ‘we’ refer here?

Ans: Americans and the story teller.

16. “They brought about a veritable revolution in social thought.

A) Who are ‘they’?

Ans: Dr.Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi.

b) What ‘revolution’ is referred here?

Ans: The discrimination of caste system.

c) How did they bring out revolution?

Ans: By reminding duty and right.

17. “It’s the chance of a life time, he was saying.

a) Who said this?

Ans: Anant

b) What was the chance?

Ans: Attending Pandit Ravi Shankar’s concert.

c) Why was he not able to go the concert?

Ans: Because he was suffering from cancer.

18. “A good sailor knows his place.

a) Who said this?

Ans: Columbus

b) To whom it was said?

Ans: Diego

c) When did the speaker make this statement?

Ans: When Columbus saw Diego on the quarter deck.

19. “Beta, you have to go to school and learn.

a) Who said these words?

Ans: Avtar Narain / Satish’s father.

b) Who is the speaker speaking to?

Ans: Satish

c) Why did the speaker give this suggestion?

Ans: Because Satish did not want to go to a new school.

20. “Shall I sing of your rock-cut temples, epics in stone?

a) Who asked this question?

Ans: The poet, V.K.Gokak.

b) Who is the speaker speaking to?

Ans: Mother India.

c) Why does he call the temples ‘epics in stone’?

Ans: Because the rock-cut temples tell us the stories of Ramayana, Mahabharata and other ancient stories.

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