SSLC Practice Question paper 1 with key answer

SSLC Practice Question paper 1 with key answer

SSLC Practice Question paper 1 with key answer. Download 10th class model question paper 2022-23. SSLC English model question paper with key answer 2022-23.

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Subject: English (31E)

Class: 10th

Medium: Kannada

State: Karnataka

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SSLC Practice Question paper 1

Subject: English                      SSLC Practice Question paper 1             Marks: 40

Class: 10th                                                                                                                       Timing: 90 minutes

I Multiple Choice Questions:         3 × 1 = 3

1. Choose the appropriate question tag and fill in the blank:

Arudh creates new history in technology, ……………..?

(A) did he     (B) doesn’t he      (C) does he     (D) didn’t he.

2. Fill in the blank choosing the appropriate words of ‘if’ clause:

Aaradhana: Hello Pinki ! Why are you running?

Pinki: I want to attend the exam in time.

Aaradhana: Exam has already started. If you had come early, you ………….. attend the exam in time.

(A) will have    (B) should have    (C) would     (D) would have.

3. Read the given conversation and choose the correct infinitive used:

Sarita: I don’t like to eat pizza.

Mother: But why? I have prepared pizza for you only.

Sarita: They are not good for health.

(A) have     (B) to eat     (C) like    (D) are.

II. Do as directed:         4 × 1 = 4

4. Combine the word in Column-A with its collocative word in Column-B:

‘A’                                   ‘B’

quick                     [ jump, glance, write, walk ]

5. Which one of the following words has one syllable?

dude, deter, demolish, dirty.

6. Write the correct form of the word given in brackets:

Work hard, you will definitely get ……………. (successful).

7. Fill in the blank using the correct article:

I rode a horse at ……………… Marina beach

class 10 English model question paper

III. The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite:    2 × 1 = 2

8. Once a king become seriously ill. The dactors said that he could be well again, if he

wore the shirt of a perfectly happy man. The king sent his men all over to find a perfectly

happy man they could not found a perfectly happy man.

a) Spelling mistake to be corrected.

b) Verbal mistake to be corrected.

IV. Answer the following questions in 2 – 3 sentences each:    4 × 2 = 8

9. How was Swami honoured by his classmates, teacher and the headmaster?

10. How did the fourteenth amendment to the US Constitution and Mahatma Phule influence on Ambedkar?

11. Why were the students marching in the street? Why was it termed uncommon?

12. What factors encouraged Dolma to take up basic mountaineering course?

SSLC practice question paper of 40 marks

V. Answer the following questions in 5 – 6 sentences each:    1 × 3 = 3

13. What are the things that the poet V. K. Gokak want to sing?

VI. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:       3 × 3 = 9

14. “You cannot put a fence, Around the planet earth.”

a) Who is the speaker?

b) What is the tone of the speaker here?

c) Why does she feel so?

15. “Oh, I couldn’t thank him”, Baleshwar thought.

a) Who was not thanked?

b) Why should he thank him?

c) Why couldn’t he thank him?

16. “The trees in that Orchard are not mine, Senor”.

a) What do you mean by ‘senor’?

b) According to Don Anselmo, who did the trees belong to?

c) Why did he feel so?

VII. Develop the story using the clues given below:     1 × 3 = 3

17. The mice……afraid of cat……decided to teach lesson……decided to bell the cat……but who will bell the cat……no one came forward……failed cat appeared and all mice ran away.

VIII. Quote from memory:      1 × 4 = 4

18. The quality …………………………………………


      Upon …………………………………………………

      …………………………………………………. takes.

IX. Answer the following question in about 8 – 10 sentences:    1 × 4 = 4

19. How did the poet father fulfil his mother’s wish in the poem ‘Grandma Climbs a Tree’.

SSLC Practice Question paper 1 with key answer


1. (B) doesn’t he

2. (D) would have

3. (B) to eat


4. glance

5. dude

6. success



8. A. doctors

   B. find


9. Swami’s classmates looked at him with respect, and his teacher patted his back. The headmaster said that he was a true scout.

10. The fourteenth amendment of the constitution of the U.S.A. which gave freedom to the Black Americans. Mahatma Phule struggling for classless society and women’s upliftment. This made Dr.Ambedkar to devote all his time and talents for the betterment of his underprivileged brethren.

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11. The students were marching to give a notice to the collector, for the British to quit India. It was uncommon because they walked silently without shouting slogans or behaving in a violent manner. Even though there were policemen, they marched as if the policemen didn’t exist.

12. Dolma came to know that a mountaineering institute was set up at Manali and it would give training to those who were interested in climbing mountains. Her friends and her family members also encouraged her to join this course.


13. The poet wished to sing about the beauty Himalayas, three oceans and golden rays of the Sun. He wanted to sing about the rock cut temples, freedom fighters, sages and prophets. The poet wished to sing about dams, lakes, the steel mills and about ship building yards. He also wished to sing about men who had worked hard to develop technologies, which made our country top in the Atomic Age.



a) The earth / The land

b) It is a tone of self-assertion

c) The speaker mocks at the people who wage wars and build fences on the land to divide nations.

SSLC English model question paper with key answer


a) Baleshwar Mishra could not thank the tempo-truck driver.

b) Because the tempo-truck driver helped him to take Roma to the hospital.

c) Because the tempo-truck driver slipped from the hospital having done all he could.


a) A word of respect like ‘mister’ in English.

b) The tree belonged to the children of Rio-en-Medio.

c) Because every time a child was born in the village, he had planted a tree for that child.


17.Once the mice living in a certain house were very much afraid of a cat, for it killed and ate many of them. They held a meeting to decide how to get rid of the nasty cat. One mouse said that they should leave the house. Another said that they should not come out of their holes. Then a young mouse stood up and said, “Why not tie a bell round the cat’s neck? We can then hear it coming, and get away easily out of its way.” All the mice cheered, “What a good plan!” Now an old mouse stood up and said, “The plan is, no doubt, very good, but who will bell the cat?” No mouse now came forward to do it. Suddenly the cat appeared and all the mice ran into their holes.


18. The quality of mercy is not strain’d;

      It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

      Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:

      It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes.

SSLC English model question paper


19. The poem ’Grandma Climbs a Tree ’is written by Ruskin Bond. She was a genius and could climb up trees very quickly even at the age of sixty-two. Granny had such an unusual gift since childhood. She learned climbing trees at six from her loving brother.

But She was very happy in a tree than in lift. Her neighbors advised her to stop climbing tree in old age and spend her life gracefully. She rejected their advice. One day she climbed up a tree but could not come down. After the rescue the doctor recommended her a week bed rest. But she felt it like a hell.

Soon she recovered and asked for a house on tree top. Her son fulfilled her wish. He and the poet built a house on tree top. The Granny enjoyed her remaining part of life happily. Thus Granny enjoyed her unusual gift of life in nature.

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