SSLC Grammar notes

SSLC Grammar notes. 15 marks English grammar questions for high school students. English grammar for class 9.

In this post we are going to learn English grammar notes for class 10. These questions are asked in previous year SSLC exam question papers.

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SSLC Grammar notes

SSLC Grammar notes PART 1

1. Identify the part of speech of the underlined word:

     Sumeet is very kind.

Ans: Adjective

2. Which of the following words has one syllable?

     Cloudy, examine, true, article.

Ans: true

3. Combine the word in column-A with its collective word in Column-B:

    ‘A’                                                   ‘B’

   Sun                          [rain, sky, flower, stream]

Ans: flower

4. Fill in the blank using suitable linker:

    Time ____________ tide waits for none.

Ans: and

5. Fill in the blank with appropriate tense form of the verb given in brackets:

     She ___________ (study) music for two years.

Ans: studied

6. Fill in the blank using the correct article:

     It was ________ eventful day.

Ans: an

7.  Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition:

     The headmaster presided _________ the meeting.

Ans: in

8.  Frame a question to get the underlined word as answer:

     The students played hockey.

Ans: What did the students play?

9.  Read the following conversation and change the underlined sentence into reported speech:

     Ramya: Hello Sarita! Are you going to the concert?

     Saritha: Yes! Will you, come with me?

     Ramya asked Sarita ________

Ans: Whether she was going to the concert.

English grammar questions for high school students

10. The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite it in the answer book:

       All these woman and many more who lived in huts and hamlets, rose above their ordinary

       selves and fought silent for the freedom of our country.

       A) Plural to be used.     B) Adverbial form to be used.

Ans: a) women     b) Silently

11. Choose the appropriate question tag and fill in the blank.

       Rockets carry satellites and people into space, ………………?

       (A) doesn’t they                        (B) don’t they           (C) didn’t they          (D) did they

Ans: (B) don’t they

12. Read the given conversation and choose the language function for the underlined sentence:

    Archana: Good morning Deepa.

    Deepa: Very good morning. What can I do for you?

    Archana: If you don’t mind, could I use your pen?

    Deepa: It’s a pleasure. You can.

   (A) Giving direction   (B) Offering help     (C) Seeking permission      (D) Expressing agreement.

Ans: (C) seeking permission

13. Fill in the blank choosing the appropriate ‘if’ clause:

     Ananda: Akash, I’m going to picnic tomorrow. Will you come?

     Akash: Thank you for inviting me. If you had told me earlier, I ……………………. joined you.

     (A) would not have          (B) would have        (C) shall have     (D) will have.

Ans: (B) would have

English grammar questions in Kannada for class 10

14. Read the given conversation and choose the passive form of the underlined sentence:

     Tanushree: Hello, Panchami, where did you go yesterday?

     Panchami: I went shopping.

     Tanushree: Did you buy anything?

     Panchami: Yes. I have bought some books.

     (A) Some books had been bought by me.       (B) Some books will have been bought by me.

     (C) Some books were bought by me.               (D) Some books have been bought by me.

Ans: (D) Some books have been bought by me.

Watch this video for the explanation of SSLC Grammar notes.

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