SSLC English FA 4 question paper 2022-23

SSLC English FA 4 question paper 2022-23

SSLC English FA 4 question paper 2022-23. Download 10th class FA 4 question papers. English FA 4 question papers for class 10.

In this post we have uploaded 10th standard FA 4 question papers with key answer. Formative assessment question papers for SSLC.

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Subject: English

Class: 10th

Medium: Kannada

State: Karnataka

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Watch this video for the explanation of SSLC English FA 4 question paper 2022-23.

FA 4 question papers with key answer for class 10

Achievement Test : 04

Subject : English                                 Formative Assessment 4                                Marks : 20

Class : 10th                                                                                                                     Time : 45 minutes

Q.I Do as directed.    4×1=4

   1) Read the given conversation and choose the appropriate question for the underlined sentence.

       Swami: “Let me sleep in the hall. Your office room is very dusty and there may be scorpions.”

       Father: “There are no scorpions little fellow.”

       A) Where is room? B) How was the room?   c) Where are the scorpions?   D) Which is the room?

2) Read the conversation and choose the appropriate language function for the underlined sentence.

      “Chacha, can I borrow your mobile?” Baleshwar asked, and the driver passed him his phone.

         A) Ordering    B) offering help    C) Asking help    D) Advice

3) Choose the correct parts of speech of the underlined word.

     Sitting beside her father in the gallery, Smita heard the concert.

      A) noun    B) adjective     C) preposition     D) conjunction

4) Read the conversation and choose the correct auxiliary verb to be used in the blank.

      Aryan: ___________ you go to cinema tomorrow?

      Ananth: Yes. I am, are you coming?

       A) is     B) Will       C) Did      D) Have

Q.II Answer the following questions in two or three sentences.    2×2=4

     5) What did Borok learn at the Geneva Summit?

     6) Why did Wangjia decide not to go back?


Q.III Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.     2×3=6

     7) “We will have to look for a new school.”

           a) Who is the speaker of this statement?

           b) Who are ‘we’ referred here?

           c) Why did they look for a new school?

     8) For with nobody to visit me and not a friend in hail,

         In solitary confinement as complete as any gaol.

        a) Where is the speaker going?

        b) Why is there nobody to visit the speaker?

        c) Why does the poet talk about solitary confinement in outer space?

Q.IV Quote from memory.     1×4=4

      9) O say what ……………………….                                    The quality of ……………………

           …………………………………………                 OR              ………………………………………….

           …………………………………………                                    ………………………………………….

           …………………poor blind boy!                                    ………………………………………….

Q.V Look at the picture and write a paragraph on it.               1×3=3


10th standard FA 4 question papers with key answer


1) B) How was the room?      2) C) Asking help        3) C) preposition     4) B) Will


5) He leant that there were people all over the world, who thought and acted the way he did. So he never felt lonely abroad. He also realized that while there was science there was hope for the survival of mankind.

6) Though the journey was very tough, Wangjia decided not to go back. He knew that the people at home were waiting for him to bring back happiness.



a) Avtar Narain / Satish’s father

b) Satish and his father.

c) Because the school authority couldn’t keep Satish in the school.


a) To outer space.

b) Because the speaker is in a spacecraft, about twenty hundred light-years away.

c) Though space is boundless, vast and open, one cannot move about freely like on the earth. One has to remain in the spaceship. That is why the poet refers to his existence in the spaceship as solitary confinement.


9) O say what is that thing call’d Light,

Which I must ne’er enjoy;

What are the blessings of the sight,

O tell your poor blind boy!


The quality of mercy is not strained;

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest;

It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:


10) Every country has its national symbols like national flag, national emblem, national anthem, national animal national bird etc. Our national flag has tricolour – saffron at the top, white in the middle and green at the bottom. There is Ashoka chakra in the middle of the white band. National emblem is Dharma Chakra. Our national anthem is Jana Gana Mana written by Rabindranath Tagore. Our national animal is a tiger.

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