Same word used as noun and verb in a sentence in English grammar. Competitive English grammar for all competitive exams.
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1. Watch
Noun: My friend presented a watch as birthday presentation.
Verb: Please watch today’s news in the television.
2. Promise
Noun: He could not keep the promise he had given last month.
Verb: I promise my teacher that I will be a good student.
3. Damage
The damage on the company was very big.
You will damage the name and fame of the family.
4. Light
The light is so bright that it hurt my eyes.
I light the lamp to search my pocket.
5. Laugh
His laugh makes everyone feel happy.
You laugh in all the critical situation of life.
6. Transport
Bus transport in our village is not so good.
We use an autorikshwa to transport our all materials.
7. Object
The object he held belongs to my school.
I object to use bad words toward me.
8. Whistle
Physical teacher uses whistle to warn us.
Bus conductor whistles to stop the bus.
Use same word as noun and verb in a meaningful sentence
9. Play
We are going to see a play in the theatre.
I like to play in the garden.
10. Love
Love is a passion of new generation.
I love to go walking in the evening.
11. Park
They are playing in the park.
He will park my scotty in the playground.
12. Run
I go for a run in the morning.
They will run to get the train.
13. Chat
We like to have a chat with our close friends.
We chat in the WhatsApp to share our thoughts.
14. building
I am working in the nearest building.
They are building a big house in our city.
15. Switch
Turn off the light switch.
She will switch to another brand.
16. Lift
It is healthier to use stairs instead of a lift.
They will lift 50 k.g bag easily.
17. Judge
The judge decided that the woman was guilty.
I can judge which is right and which is wrong.
18. Axe
Give me the axe which was on the table.
You will axe the tree to use for furniture.
19. Record
He made a record in the national level games.
She will record our phone calls for the proof.
20. Answer
Give me the answer why are you too late.
She will answer all the questions in the interview.
Watch this video for explanation of using same word as noun and verb.