Reference skills in English grammar for competitive exams. English notes for KARTET and GPSTR exam. Notes on encyclopaedia, thesaurus, atlas and dictionary.
In this post we are discussing reference skill of encyclopaedia, thesaurus, atlas and dictionary. English notes for GPSTR and KARTET notes.
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reference skills in English:
Task 1 : Your school library has many reference materials. They will provide you enough information on what you want to get. They are:
1. Encyclopaedia : It gives you basic information on every subject. The information is placed in alphabetical order.
2. Dictionary : It helps you to know the meanings, spellings, pronunciation and variations of words.
3. Thesaurus : It is a book of synonyms. It has list of words and phrases which are grouped according to their meaning.
4. Atlas : It is a book of maps. You can find a particular place in the world.
Task 2 : Which reference material would you refer to?
1. Information on nuclear weapons.
Ans: encyclopaedia
2. Pronunciation of the word, “exemplification.”
Ans: dictionary
3. Synonym of the word, “natural.”
Ans: thesaurus
4. The place where the first nuclear bombs exploded.
Ans: encyclopaedia
5. Variations of the word “inspire.”
Ans: dictionary
6. To know the spelling of the word, “approximately.”
Ans: dictionary
7. To collect the information about the things that scientists need for their research.
Ans: encyclopaedia
8. To find out the phrase that means, “to continue.”
Ans: dictionary
Reference skills in English
Task 3: To which source of information will you refer to know the following. Choose the appropriate answer.
1. Pronunciation of a word ……………
(grammar book, atlas, dictionary, newspaper)
Ans: dictionary
2. The place where first nuclear bombs exploded ………….
(encyclopaedia, dictionary, manual, thesaurus)
Ans: encyclopaedia
3. To assemble the TV you recently bought.
(atlas, TV manual, newspaper, dictionary)
Ans: TV manual
4. Details about the rivers of a country ……………..
(newspaper, manual, grammar book, atlas)
Ans: atlas
5. To know who won world cup match which was played the previous day.
(atlas, encyclopaedia, newspaper, thesaurus)
Ans: newspaper
6. Variations of the word “Compose‟
(newspaper, encyclopaedia, dictionary, atlas)
Ans: dictionary
7. To know the spelling of the word “encyclopaedia”.
(newspaper, dictionary, thesaurus, atlas)
Ans: dictionary
8. Synonym of the word „Prosper‟.
(manual, dictionary, thesaurus, newspaper)
Ans: thesaurus
Watch this video for explanation of Reference skills in English grammar for competitive exams.