Quiz on The Concert

Quiz on The Concert

Quiz on The Concert lesson for SSLC students. Here we will learn top 20 multiple choice questions from The Concert lesson.

Important questions and answers from the lesson The Concert is explaiend in this post. Learn one marks questions from The Concert.

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Quiz topic: Quiz on The Concert

Sub-topic: SSLC English Quiz

Class: 10th

Subject: English

Medium: Kannada

Prose no: 5

Total questions: 20

Question type: Multiple choice

Answers: Given

Cost: Free

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Quiz on the lesson A Hero

Quiz on the lesson A Hero

#1. Who is the author of the lesson ‘The Concert’?

#2. Who is Pandit Ravishankar?

#3. Why was Anant sleeping on the bed?

#4. Pandit Ravishankar was a Sitar maestro. What do you mean by ‘maestro’?

#5. What was the life chance of Anant?

#6. What did the doctor advise Anant’s parents?

#7. How do you say that Anant was a talented boy?

#8. What frightening truth had known to Smita?

#9. What daring thought came to Smita?

#10. In which auditorium was the concert arranged?

#11. What is the native place of Anant’s family?

#12. How old was Anant?

#13. How old was Smita?

#14. Where did Anant’s family live in Bombay?

#15. On what hope did Smita’s family moved to Bombay?

#16. What is the name of the table Ustad?

#17. Who made a long boring speech after the concert?

#18. The next morning aunt Sushila’s neighbours couldn’t believe their eyes. Why?

#19. Smita was reading newspaper. What was the special news ?

#20. “It is a chance of lifetime.” Who said this?


Watch this video to learn Questions and answers of The Concert lesson.

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Short info Quiz on The Concert

In the story, Smita was more worried than others. Though attending the concert was a chance of lifetime, she could not enjoy it completely because Anant was not with her. She was always thinking how to fulfil Anant’s wish.

How did Pandith Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha keep their promise to Smitha? After listening to Smita’s story about her brother, Pandith Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were moved. They promised to play for the boy. The next day they arrived at Smita’s house and played for the boy.

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