Question Bank 2 for second PUC. Question bank for class 12 with answer. Important questions and answers for PUC second.
In this video we are going to explain English question bank for class 12. Most expected questions and answers for second PUC exam preparation.

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Watch this video for the explanation of Question Bank 2 for second PUC.
Most expected questions and answers for second PUC
1. How does the poem ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’ visualize heaven?
Answer: According to the speaker, the poem creates a mesmerizing image of heaven which is reflected in the description of pristine nature created by the poet. There are roaring streams leaping down from the top of the hills.
2. What are the requirements of heaven according to ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’?
Answer: The splendour of harvest and the pleasant moonlight that bathes the earth makes it all the more heavenly. As expressed in the poem, Heaven is imagined to be the abode of gods and heavenly nymphs.
3. Explain how the people of Japan respect each other’s privacy according to George Mikes.
Answer: The people of Japan live on a hopelessly overcrowded island where they have no privacy. However, the people are so well mannered that they are courteous enough not to overhear a conversation when they find anyone talking to someone else over the telephone. The speaker can consider the telephone receiver as his castle and conduct his most confidential business transactions and intimate love-quarrels in public, yet in perfect privacy without becoming apprehensive about anyone overhearing his conversation.
4. Why is a pedestrian’s life hazardous in Brazil according to George Mikes?
Answer: The drivers are on the lookout for pedestrian, as they notice a pedestrian step off the pavement they take it as a game; aim at him and accelerates. He jumps, leas and runs for dear life. The war between the driver and pedestrian are compared to hunter and prey.
Question bank for class 12 with answer
5. What reasons are given for the formation of POP in ‘The Voter’?
Answer: The ‘Progressive Organization Party’ (POP) was formed by the tribes down the coast to save themselves from total cultural, political, social and religious oppression and they wanted to preserve their own culture and sustain their religion.
6. Give a picture of the activities on the election morning in ‘The Voter’.
Answer: On the day of the election, Chief the Honourable Marcus Ibe was doing things in a grand style. He had hired a highlife band from Umuru and stationed it at such a distance from the voting booths as just managed to be lawful. Many villagers danced to the music, their ballot papers held aloft, before proceeding to the booths. Marcus sat in the ‘owner’s corner’ of his enormous green car and smiled and nodded. Some villagers came up to the car, shook hands with the great man and said in advance ‘Congrats!’.
7. What changes are noticed in Pudukkottai by P. Sainath during the eighteen months?
Answer: According to P. Sainath, ‘cycling’ became a social movement for the rural women in Pudukkottai district. The district’s literacy activists learned cycling. Then, every one of the neo-literates became a neo-cyclist.
8. How according to P. Sainath has cycling swept across Pudukkottai district?
Answer: The introduction of cycling in the Pudukkottai district has brought about a tremendous change in the lives of rural women. Cycling has offered a way out of enforced routines around male- imposed barriers. The rural women, in particular, have gained a great deal of confidence on account of their learning cycling. Earlier, they used to be burdened with economic as well as social or familial obligations.
Important questions and answers for PUC second
9. How is water witness to centuries of social injustice mentioned in ‘Water’?
Answer: The speaker cites ‘water’ as the witness to the practice of untouchability. Water has been witnessing the plight of the Dalits who have been fighting for their rights to their share of water. She declares that this water has been witness to the age-old strife between the upper caste people and the Dalits
10. What are the things that the water knows in the poem ‘Water’?
Answer: ‘water’ knows that ‘untouchability’ never disappears because the quarrel over allowing the Dalits to collect water from a village tank or pond between the upper caste people and the Dalits, has been smouldering for several generations.
11. Who is entitled to pour water into panchama’s pot as mentioned in ‘Water’?
Answer: As mentioned in ‘Water’, only a ‘shudra’ is entitled to pour water into Panchami’s pot.
12. Mention any one of the types of humiliation met by the wada girl in ‘Water’.
Answer: A wada girl is humiliated when waterfalls all over her and touches her as it is poured from a distance into the pot. What was welcomed as a wondrous festival, according to the speaker, in ‘Water’.
13. Where was cycling as a social movement started according to P. Sainath?
Answer: According to P. Sainath, ‘cycling’ became a social movement for the rural women in Pudukkottai district.
14. What is meant by ‘neo-cyclists’ mentioned in ‘Where There Is A Wheel’?
Answer: The term ‘neo-cyclists’ in the lesson ‘Where There is a Wheel’, refers to all those rural women in the Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu, who have taken to bicycling as a symbol of independence, freedom, and mobility.
2nd puc english question bank with answers
15. What according to Romeo does Juliet teach to burn bright?
Answer: Juliet teach to burn bright ‘The Torches’ according to Romeo.
16. Who was addressed as Roof, for short in ‘The Voter’?
Answer: Rufus Okeke was called Roof for short by the people of his village.
17. What does Mikes call ‘a man’s castle’ in Japan?
Answer: A man’s telephone receiver
18. What do the people of Japan highly respect according to Mikes?
Answer: According to Mikes, the people of Japan highly respect one another’s privacy.
19. Where does the poet create heaven according to the speaker in ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’?
Answer: The poet create heaven on this earth itself.
20. What does the poet create on earth according to the speaker in ‘Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth’?
Answer: According to the speaker in the poem, the poet creates heaven on earth.