Profile writing models for high school students. Examples of profile writing. Profile writing for class 10. 4 model profile writing. English grammar for class 10.
In this post we have discussed about how to write profile in English. You will learn profile writing tips and tricks. So many model examples are given in in post.

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Profile writing models for high school students
Profile writing models
Write the profile using the clues given below
Profile is a short description of a person’s life and career. It highlights the personal details and major achievements of the person described. Given data should be prioritized and linked logically.
Points to consider:
✓ Give a title –usually the name of the person,
✓ Use only the details provided: don’t add extra details or don’t skip given details.
Organize the given data logically and coherently.
Use appropriate linkers and cohesive devices wherever necessary.
Develop the hints in well-formed sentences using supporting details.
Profile Key points:
1.Gives a suitable title
2.Write effective introduction and conclusion
3.Use proper linkers to connect the ideas
4.Use all the given hints with correct language
1. Prepare a short profile of Satyajith Ray, the Bengali film maker using the hints given below:
Born : May 2, 1921 Kolkata
Nationality : Indian
Famous as : writer, producer, screen writer, lyricist, composer
Awards : Bharat Ratna
Education : Viswa Bharati university presidency college, Kolkata
Inspired by : French film maker Jean Renoir and Italian film maker Vittorio Desica who
produced the neo-realist film ‘bicycle thieves.
Died : April 23 ,1992,Kolkata
The famous Indian film maker, Satyajith Ray was born on May 2 ,1921 in Kolkata. He was educated at Presidency College Kolkata and Viswa Bharathy University. Ray was inspired by the French film maker Jean Renoir and Italian Film maker Vittorico De Sica who produced the neo-realist film Bicycle Thieves. Satyajith was famous as one of the greatest film makers of his time. He was also a writer, producer, screen writer, lyricist and composer. Ray was awarded the highest civilian award the Bharat Ratna. He died on April 23, 1992 in Kolkata.
Profile writing tips and tricks
2. Write a short profile of William Wordsworth
Born : 7 April ,1770, Cocker mouth, Cumberland, England
Occupation: Romantic English poet, ushered in Romanticism
Major works : Daffodils, Lucy grey, Tintern Abbey, the Prelude etc
Honours : He became the poet laureate in 1843
Died : April 23, 1850
The famous English poet, William Wordsworth was born on 7 April, 1770 at Cocker mouth, Cumberland in England. He was a great romantic poet. His major works were Daffodils, Lucy Grey, Tintern Abbey and The Prelude etc. He was the poet Laureate of England in 1843. He died on 23 April 1850.
3. Prepare a profile of Bob Dylan, using the given hints.
Birth : May24, 1941
Place of birth : Minnesota,USA
Birth Name : Robert AllanZimmerman
Fame : Song Writer,singer, artist and writer
Awards : Grammy Award in 1973 & 1980,Nobelprize for Literature in 2016.
Bob Dylan was born on 24th May 1941. He was born at Minnesota in USA. His name at the time of birth is Robert Allan Zimmerman. He is famous as a singer, song writer, artist and a writer. Bob won the Grammy Award in 1973 and in 1980. He Is the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2016.
Examples of profile writing
4. Prepare a short profile of W.B.Yeats using the hints given below.
Name : W.B.Yeats
Birth : June 13, 1865, Ireland
Famous as : Irish poet
Awards : Nobel Prize for literature in 1923
Notable Works : The Tower, The winding stair and Other Poems
Died : January 28, 1939
The famous poet W.B. Yeats was born on June 13, 1865 in Ireland. He was an Irish poet. He got the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. His notable works were The Tower, The Winning stair and other poems. He passed away on January 28, 1939.