Present perfect tense worksheet

Present perfect tense worksheet
Present perfect tense worksheet

Present perfect tense worksheet. Present perfect tense worksheet with answers for all class. Present perfect tense examples.

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Exercise of Present Perfect Tense:

Write down the correct form of the verb given in the bracket to make a sentence into the present perfect tense.

1. Kumar _________ his friend in the race. (beat)

2. The dog ___________ on his leg. (bite)

3. _____ you ______ all the documents carefully? (keep)

4. The dust __________ everywhere in the room. (blow)

5. She ___________ anything yet for the party wearing. (not/ choose)

6. _____ we ______ this homework completely? (do)

7. Anand _______ most of the time playing chess. (spend)

8. He _________ a single word yet. (speak)

9. Where _____ he _______ yesterday? (sit)

10. I __________ all the terms and conditions. (read)

11. She _______ already ______ the electricity bill. (pay)

12. He ______ suddenly from the meeting. (leave)

13. _____ you ______ that news early? (hear)

14. The grass _______ very long these days. (grow)

15. He _________ under the pressure of his boss. (work)

16. The workers ———————- the walls. (paint)

17. We —————— our dues. (pay)

18. She —————— anything wrong. (not do)

19. Somebody ——————- my purse. (steal)

20. I ——————— the lesson. (learn)

Present Perfect Tense with Answers:

1. Kumar has beaten his friend in the race.

2. The dog has bitten on his leg.

3. Have you kept all the documents carefully?

4. The dust has blown everywhere in the room.

5. She hasn’t chosen anything yet for the party wearing.

6. Have we have done this homework completely?

7. Anand has spent most of the time playing chess.

8. He has spoken a single word yet.

9. Where has he sat yesterday?

10. I have read all the terms and conditions.

11. She has already paid the electricity bill.

12. He has left suddenly the meeting.

13. Have you heard that news early?

14. The grass has grown very long these days.

15. He has worked under the pressure of his boss.

16. The workers have painted the walls.

17. We have paid our dues.

18. She has not done anything wrong.

19. Somebody has stolen my purse.

20. I have learnt the lesson.

Watch this video for the explanation of Present perfect tense worksheet.

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