Prefixes in English grammar with examples

Prefixes in English grammar with examples. We will learn making opposite words by using prefix. Examples for prefix.

Prefixes are short 1 to 3 syllable additions that are attached to the beginnings of words to slightly change their meaning. For example, adding the prefix tri- to the base word angle creates a new word, triangle, which means “a figure with three straight lines and three angles.”

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Prefixes in English grammar with examples

English grammar for competitive exams


1. ability X inability

2. accurate X inaccurate

3. active X inactive

4. adequate X inadequate

5. animate X inanimate

6. applicable X inapplicable

7. appropriate X inappropriate

8. capable X in capable

9. comparable X incomparable

10. complete X incomplete

11. consistent X inconsistent

12. convenience X inconvenience

13. correct X incorrect

14. decent X indecent

15. discipline X indiscipline

16. definite X indefinite

17. direct X indirect

18. divisible X indivisible

19. effective X ineffective

20. equal X inequal

21. expensive X inexpensive

22. sufficient X insufficient

23. valid X invalid

24. visible X invisible

25. glorious X inglorious

26. gratitude X ingratitude

27. human X inhuman

28. justice X injustice

29. secure X insecure

30. separable X inseparable

31. significant X insignificant

32. sincere X insincere

33. soluble X insoluble

34. experience X inexperience

35. dependent X independent


1. advantage X disadvantage

2. agree X disagree

3. allow X disallow

4. appear X disappear

5. approve X disapprove

6. believe X disbelieve

7. comfort X discomfort

8. connect X disconnect

9. continue X discontinue

10. count X discount

11. harmony X disharmony

12. honest X dishonest

13. honour X dishonour

14. interest X disinterest

15. like X dislike

16. loyal X disloyal

17. obedient X disobedient

18. obey X disobey

19. place X displace

20. integrate X disintegrate

21. please X displease

22. respect X disrespect

23. satisfy X dissatisfy

24. similar X dissimilar


1. rational X irrational

2. regular X irregular

3. repairable X irreparable

4. relevant X irrelevant

5. resolute X irresolute

6. responsible X irresponsible

7. reversible X irreversible

8. religious X irreligious


1. health X ill health

2. favour X illfavour

3. legal X illegal

4. legible X illegible

5. liberal X illiberal

6. literate X illiterate

Examples for prefix


1. balance X imbalance

2. material X immaterial

3. mature X immature

4. measurable X immeasurable

5. memorial X immemorial

6. mobile X immobile

7. mobilize X immobilize

8. mortal X immortal

9. modest X immodest

10. moral X immoral

11. movable X immovable

12. mutable X immutable

13. partial X impartial

14. patient X impatient

15. perfect X imperfect

16. perfection X imperfection

17. permanent X impermanent

18. personal X impersonal

19. possible X impossible

20. polite X impolite

21. probable X improbable

22. precise X imprecise

23. proper X improper

24. pure X impure

Prefixes in English grammar


1. known X unknown

2. certain X uncertain

3. clean X unclean

4. comfortable X uncomfortable

5. common X uncommon

6. employment X unemployment

7. even X uneven

8. fit X unfit

9. faithful X unfaithful

10. fortunate X unfortunate

11. grateful X ungrateful

12. happy X unhappy

13. healthy X unhealthy

14. important X unimportant

15. lucky X unlucky

16. pleasant X unpleasant

17. reliable X unreliable

18. satisfactory X unsatisfactory

19. popular X unpopular

20. load X unload

21. heard X unheard

22. successful X unsuccessful

23. natural X unnatural

24. necessary X unnecessary

25. selfish X unselfish

26. touchable X untouchable

27. worthy X unworthy

28. tidy X untidy


1. behave X misbehave

2. calculate X miscalculate

3. chance X mischance

4. conduct X misconduct

5. fortune X misfortune

6. guide X misguide

7. handle X mishandle

8. judge X misjudge

9. lead X mislead

10. place X misplace

11. spell X misspell

12. spelt X misspelt

13. manage X mismanage

14. print X misprint

15. understand X misunderstand

16. use X misuse


1. sense X nonsense

2. stick X nonstick

3. stop X nonstop

4. flammable X nonflammable

5. vegetarian X non vegetarian

6. controversial X noncontroversial

Watch this video for the example Prefixes in English grammar with examples.

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