Pictorial writing for GPSTR. Story writing using picture. Look at the picture and write a description. Picture writing for competitive exams.
In this post we will learn story writing based on pictures with answers and picture based story writing in English.
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picture writing in english:
Pictorial writing tricks and tips:
1. Observe the given picture and imagine your own story.
2. Write the story in at least 2 or 3 paragraph.
3. Strictly follow word limit of 120 words.
4. Write the sentences in correct grammatical structure.
5. Use correct punctuation marks.
6. Your story should be related to the given picture only.
7. It is optional to write moral of the story.
8. Better to write in simple or compound sentence.
Picture writing with answers
1. Study the picture given below. Write an account of what it suggests to you in about 120 words. There must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition. 10×1=10

A woodcutter was chopping down trees on the bank of a river. The axe slipped away from his hands and fell down; into the river. The poor man couldn’t even swim. He thought that his axe was lost forever. He was very sad and started weeping.
Suddenly the God of the Forests appeared before him. The god consoled him, “Don’t you worry. I’ll get back your axe for you.” Having said these words, he dived into the river. After a few moments he came out with an axe. It was made of gold. “Is this yours?” he asked. The woodcutter only said “No!”
A few seconds later he came with another axe. It was made of silver. “No, no, sir, this is not mine,” said the woodcutter. He came out with the third axe. The woodcutter cried loudly looking at the axe “Yes, yes, it’s mine—the woodcutter’s axe with an iron blade.” The God of Forests was impressed with the woodcutter’s honesty. “Keep all three of these axes as a present from me.” The God uttered these words and disappeared.
Story writing based on pictures example
2. Study the picture given below. Write an account of what it suggests to you in about 120 words. There must be a clear connection between the picture and your composition. 10×1=10

A dog and her pups lived on a farm, where there was a well. The mother dog told the pups, do not go near the well or play around it. One of the pups wondered why they shouldn’t go to the well and decided to explore it. He went to the well. Climbed up the wall and peeked inside.
In there, he saw his reflection and thought it was another dog. The pup saw that the other dog in the well (his reflection) was doing whatever he was doing, and got angry for imitating him. He decided to fight with the dog and jumped into the well, only to find no dog there. He barked and barked and swam until the farmer came and rescued him. The pup had learned his lesson.
Always listen to what the elders say. Question them, but do not defy them.
Watch this video for the explanation of Pictorial writing for GPSTR.