Opposite words in English

Opposite words in English
Opposite words in English

Important opposite words in English. A to z opposite words list pdf download. Learn English grammar for competitive exams.

We have provided list of antonyms for high school students. This antonym list is very useful for all competitive exams.

You can download important opposite words in pdf. Clink on the following link and download important list of antonyms.

To get more video notes on English grammar visit our YouTube channel. This channel is very useful for all competitive exams.

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1Above x below41Day x night81Individual x group
2Absent x present42Deep x sallow82Innocent x guilty
3Achieve x fail43Decrease x increase83Inside x outside
4Add x subtract44Demand x supply84Joy x sadness
5Afraid x confident45Destroy x create85Kind x cruel
6After x before46Divide x unite86Lie x truth
7Amateur x professional47Down x up87Like x dislike
8Ancient x modern48Drunk x sober88Likely x unlikely
9Argue x agree49East x west89Liquid x solid
10Arrive x depart50Easy x difficult90Lonely x crowded
11Arrogant x humble51End x begin91Long x short
12Ascent x descent52Even x odd92Loose x tight
13Attack x defend53Evening x morning93Lost x found
14Awake x asleep54Expand x contract94Love x hate
15Bad x good55Fail x pass95Major x minor
16Beautiful x ugly56False x true96Man x woman
17Before x after57Fat x skinny97Marvelous x terrible
18Better x worse58Fiction x fact98Mature x immature
19Big x little59Float x sink99Maximum x minimum
20Birth x death60Follow x lead100Mix x separate
21Black x white61Foolish x wise101Moist x dry
22Blunt x sharp62Forgive x blame102More x less
23Bold x timid63Freeze x boil103Most x least
24Brave x coward64Full x empty104Move x stay
25Brief x long65Generous x stingy105Near x far
26Bright x dull66Gentle x rough106Never x always
27Busy x idle67Giant x dwarf107New x old
28Buy x sell68Give x receive108Noisy x quiet
29Cautious x careless69Gloomy x cheerful109None x all
30Cheap x expensive70Grief x joy110North x south
31Clean x dirty71Guilty x innocent111Nothing x something
32Close x open72Happy x sad112Now x then
33Cold x hot73Hard x soft113Obvious x hidden
34Complex x simple74Heaven x hell114Odd x even
35Compliment x insult75Heavy x light115Often x seldom
36Cool x warm76High x low116Old x young
37Crazy x sane77Huge x tiny117On x off
38Crooked x straight78Idle x active118Optimist x pessimist
39Cruel x kind79In x out119Ordinary x extraordinary
40Dark x light80Include x exclude120Over x under
121Pain x pleasure143Rise x sink165Sunny x cloudy
122Panic x calm144Rough x smooth166Superior x inferior
123Partial x complete145Rude x polite167Tame x wild
124Passive x active146Same x different168Teach x learn
125Peace x war147Seldom x often169Temporary x permanent
126Permanent x unstable148Sell x buy170Thick x thin
127Play x work149Send x receive171Timid x bold
128Polite x rude150Shame x honor172Together x apart
129Poor x rich151Short x long173Top x bottom
130Positive x negative152Show x hide174Toward x away
131Powerful x weak153Single x married175Tragic x comic
132Praise x criticism154Sour x sweet176Triumph x defeat
133Pride x modesty155Spend x earn177True x false
134Private x public156Start x stop178Union x separation
135Problem x solution157Started x finished179Unique x common
136Profit x lose158Stay x leave180Vacant x occupied
137Quick x slow159Stiff x flexible181Vague x definite
138Raw x cooked160Stop x go182Vertical x horizontal
139Regret x rejoice161Strength x weakness183Victory x defeat
140Remember x forget162Strong x weak184Villain x hero
141Right x wrong163Student x teacher185Visible x invisible
142Rigid x flexible164Sturdy x weak186Wax x wane

Watch this video for explanation of important opposite words in English.

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